I wanted to reply then, but I procrastinated. But it turns out there is benefit in this situation.
(1) I originally wanted to say that China, emboldened (for whatever reasons) since the second half of this year (2009), has not felt the need to flatter US. A prominent example was Premier Wen Jiabao's startling snubs of Pres. Obama at Copenhagen, for other nations to see. See my posting titled "China's Oversea Labor" and dated Dec. 21, 2009.
(2) But there was an "opinion" which held differently.
William McGurn, Obama Puts the Dis in Dissident. Wall Street Journal, Dec. 30, 2009.
(" In China, the government sentences Liu Xiaobo to 11 years in prison for writing a letter calling for legal and political reforms. * * * In all these cases, the cry goes up: Where is the president of the United States?")
Note: The "dis" in the title, commonly used in daily life but not in written language, si short from the noun "disrespect."
【 在 sla 的大作中提到: 】
: 这几天打开电脑,到博讯等几个常去的网站、论坛逛逛,发现晓波先生曝光率特高,身上既有光环、鲜花,也沾满狗屎、猪尿。我真想为晓波先生说句公道话,晓波应算是我们的民运的前辈了,辛苦了半辈子,现今落了个11年的牢狱之灾,我们民运者的教训啊!这里,我也说说自己的心里话:
: 一、“山姆大叔”靠不住了。晓波先生被关1年多来
: (以下引言省略...)