本帖最后由 choi 于 12-5-2013 12:05 编辑
美国副总统拜登访问亚洲之际,台国安局长在立法院接受质询. VOA Chinese, Dec 4, 2013
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 131204/1803288.html("台湾国家安全局长蔡得胜 [在立法院接受质询] * * * 表示,台湾和美国政府的做法相当一致,在民航作业上配合,不过在军事上则都态度强硬。台湾政府的立场是,中国的军机不能进入台湾的防空识别区,同时区内的军事演训也不会停止")
My comment:
(a) I do not know. Sometimes I feel like the child in Emperor's New Clothes. Manythings Taiwan does, I just feel ridiculous. This is one. (Another is Taiwan's claimed economic exclusion zone (EEZ) is almost at the door of Batanes
, where a shooting took place and Taiwanese fisherman was killed.)
(b) For years I tried in vain to find a map (official or unofficial) for Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). Now Taiwan's Ministry of Defense (MOD) publicized one, which includes a large swath of southern China! (Maybe China prefers Taiwan to claim the WHOLE CHina, and would freak out if Taiwan's ADIZ excluded Chinese mainland.)
Here is the official map in a Dec 3, 2913 presentation by MOD.