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澳媒曝留学生 '间谍网' 中国对报道不满

发表于 4-21-2014 15:19:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 4-21-2014 15:19 编辑

BBC Chinese, Apr 21, 2014.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/worl ... tralia_spying.shtml

(a) The report is based on

John Garnaut, Chinese Spies Keep Eye on Leading Universities. Sydney Morning Herald, Apr 21, 2014.
www.smh.com.au/national/chinese- ... 20140420-36yww.html

The following five items are gleaned from Wikipedia.
(i) University of Sydney (commonly referred to as Sydney University; public; Founded in 1850, it is Australia's first university and is regarded as one of its most prestigious)
(ii) University of Melbourne (commonly referred to as Melbourne University; Established 1853; ranked as Australia's best university by [some global organizations])
(iii) University of New South Wales (at Kensington, seven kilometres from the centre of Sydney; public; Established in 1949)
(iv) For ASIO, see Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
(Parent agency  Attorney-General's Department)
(v) Swinburne University of Technology
(public; in Melbourne; founded in 1908 by [engineer/politician] George Swinburne)

(b) Fairfax Media Limited (John Fairfax purchased The Sydney Morning Herald in 1841; owns two main metropolitan newspapers, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age (Melbourne))  Wikipedia

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