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中国反腐败:寻找 ’老虎’ 周永康的足迹

发表于 5-6-2014 10:53:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
凯瑞, 中国反腐败:寻找 ’老虎’ 周永康的足迹. BBC Chinese, May 6, 2014
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/trad/chin ... zhou_yongkang.shtml

, which is translated from

Carrie Gracie, China corruption campaign: On the trail of Zhou Yongkang. BBC, May 5, 2014

(a) “In this picture postcard scene [of Zhou’s hometown] complete with ducks on the pond and hens on the green, the whitewashed family compound was giving nothing away to the trickle of scandal hunters loitering at the gate.”

green (n):
“4:  a grassy plain or plot: as
a :  a common or park in the center of a town or village

(b) “Zhou Yongkang's career is a Chinese style rags to riches fairytale. His family were hard pressed farmers who fished for eels to supplement their income. The parents encouraged their three sons to study and the eldest repaid them by going to university and becoming an oil engineer.
(i) Most dictionaries (including Oxford) has a space in “fairy tale.” Google and only a couple of Web dictionaries have “fairytale.”
(ii) “His family were hard pressed farmers.”  BBC Chinese translates it as “他的老家是饱受欺压的贫农.”

It is not what “hard pressed” means. It simply means “pressed hard,” in my view.

hard pressed (adj):
www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/de ... nglish/hard-pressed

(c) "Xi is plucking the fur from the tiger," says Deng Yuwen, sweeping one of my poorly-defended troop formations from the go board as if to demonstrate how it's done.”
(i) BBC translation: “邓聿文说:’习近平是要在老虎身上拔掉皮毛。’ 说着他把我在棋盘上的残阵一扫而空,彷佛在演示着怎样拔。”
(ii) I can not find what 残阵 means.
(iii) But the English means that that particular “troop formation” was wiped out because they were surrounded, dead.

(d) “If Zhou faces trial on corruption charges, he will be the most senior leader to do so since the Communists took power in 1949.”

What about Ms Jiang Qing?

(e) “Since the beginning of the reform era, members of the Standing Committee have left each other's families and business interests alone.”
(i) BBC translation: “自改革年代伊始,政治局常委都得把各自的家族与商业利益抛诸脑后。”
(ii) The translation is simply WRONG.

(f) BBC quotes Deng as saying, “‘Xi has to leave Zhou a stake in keeping the Party afloat. That's what they're fighting over now.’"
(i) translation for the quotation: “习得给周留有余地以保住党的生存,而这就是他们在进行的斗争。”
(ii) stake (n):
“3a :  something that is staked for gain or loss
b :  the prize in a contest
c :  an interest or share in an undertaking or enterprise”

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