(1) '我爸是李刚' 案调查记者被警察带走.
(2) 官媒承认东伊运和新疆暴恐团伙没有直接联系.
www.voachinese.com/content/china ... 140624/1943637.html
Note: The report cites
Cathy Wong, Scattered Nature of Groups Makes Gathering Intelligence Difficult: Analyst. Global Times, June 24, 2014
two consecutive paragraphs:
"'Most terrorists in Xinjiang do not operate under structured and centralized organizations, but in small gangs loosely spread over the region,' he [Turgunjan Tursun, a research fellow at the Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences] said.
"'The influence of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), the group often believed to be the mastermind behind most attacks in Xinjiang, is only limited to the ideological level, [sic; a quotation mark missing] he noted.
(a) 中国要求媒体删除有关香港公投报道.
(b) 港全民投票黑客攻击四成源自中资公司.
www.voachinese.com/content/hk-ci ... 140624/1943505.html
(4) 红三代接班布局:邓小平之孙从华尔街律师楼转任镇党委书记. VOA Chinese, June 23, 2014
www.voachinese.com/content/deng- ... 140623/1943374.html
("邓卓棣是邓小平最小的儿子邓质方的独生子,是邓小平唯一的孙子 [he has granddaughter(s)]。他1985年出生在美国,后随父母回到中国并在北京大学攻读法学。后来,他在美国杜克大学留学,并在2008年获得法学硕士学位,毕业后在纽约华尔街的一家律师事务所工作")