(i) “historian and author, Andreas Apelt”
There is no English Wiki page for him, but there is a German one. Here is HIS (a man) personal website: Andreas H Apelt
(ii) “So the operation remained clandestine - people were * * * sent across the border in buses with revolving license plates. The number plates would switch at the checkpoints, so as not to arouse suspicion on the other side.”
The translation--载着囚犯的大轿车的车牌到西德后给转换,以掩人耳目--does not convey the meaning of “revolving” license plate, which is like a revolving door. The license plate was not removed and replaced.
(iii) "’I really didn't want to go - I wanted to stay in East Germany with my grandparents - but the deal was for wife and daughter,’ she says. ‘I think they paid 100,000 Deutschmarks for us.’"
The deal was for “wife and daughter”--excluding grandparents. But the translation--我不想去,我觉得在祖父母家很好,好像谈好的价格是10万西德马克,包括妈妈和我--does not tell that.
(iv) “The two of them were taken across the border via Bahnhof Friedrichstrasse, a railway station on the frontier between East and West Berlin. It was 1969 and Daniela was 13 years old.”
German English dictionary
* bahnhof (noun masculine): “train station [shortened from eisenbahnhof, where eisen = iron]”
(In German: busbahnhof = bus station)
* bahn (noun feminine): “path, way”
* hof (noun masculine): “courtyard, yard”
* straße (noun feminine): “road”
(giving the name to Berlin Friedrichstraße station)
(v) "’My father was waiting for us on the other side. I didn't recognise him, which was very painful for him. He was crying.’ Having been so young when they were separated, Walther felt more upset about losing her friend [Gudrun].”
The translation--爸爸在另一边等候,但是我认不出他来。爸爸再也忍不住了,哭了起来--does not explain PRECISELY why her father cried.
(vi) “‘My language teacher [in West Germany] told me I would never get to grips with English. Determined to prove her teacher wrong, Walther persuaded her father to pay for her to attend a language school in the UK. ‘I was the apple of his eye - he would have done anything for me,’ she says. So in 1972 Walther arrived in the UK and before long went on to study languages at Goldsmiths College in London. In her second year she met her husband, Bill"
(A) translation: 外语老师还断言,我肯定学不会英语。’我劝说爸爸送我到英国学英语。因为我是他的掌上明珠,他最终答应了。’ 在语言学校毕业后,丹妮拉继续在英国升学,并与英国人比尔结婚
(B) The translation does not say her motive to go to a language school in UK.
(C) Goldsmiths, University of London
(public; section 1 History)