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发表于 10-5-2010 12:27:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

VOA Chinese, Oct. 5, 2010.

My comment:
(a) The report says 中国政法大学教授杨帆说:“比如财产统计就很不准确,因为中国现在没有实名财产(登记)制度,很多财产都是假名字." It is hard for me to comprehend. If a real estate is registered under another person's name, that person not only has to pay (more) tax but is tempted to take the property as his own, for good.
(b) Taiwanese also wonder about accuracy of government stattistics. I mean, even US statistics there is no way (for me at least) to know how accurate they are.

(1) 中国城市化发展迅猛但包含水分. VOA Chinese, Oct. 5, 2010.
(广东商学院教授常江 说:“譬如说他们 [农民工] 进城的工作选择就没有城市人选择那么大。你到任何单位、公司报名申请工作的时候,就会发现他们首先选择的是城市户口。比如广州在招收记者的时候专门写上:有广州市内户口的优先。”)

My comment: The quote is probably trye. In US, private enterprises that are allowed to hire foreigners tend to select from job applicants those who have citizenship or permanent residency (PR). I am familiar with biomedical field. In job applications, those with foreign names make clear their citizenship or PR.

(2) 美中在苏丹问题上的利益交合与冲撞. VOA Chinese, Oct. 4, 2010.

Note: 凯文·芬克与人合作撰写了《非洲之争:对达尔富尔的干涉及美国》
Steven Fake and Kevin Funk, The Scramble for Africa: Darfur--Intervention and the USA. Black Rose Books (2008).

(3) 越南历史剧“中国化”引起争议. BBC Chinese, Oct. 5, 2010.

(a) "In 1010, Lý Thái Tổ, the first ruler of the Lý Dynasty, moved the capital of Đại Việt (大越, the Great Viet, then the name of Vietnam) to the site of the Đại La Citadel. Claiming to have seen a dragon ascending the Red River, he renamed it Thăng Long (昇龍, Ascending dragon) - a name still used poetically to this day."

* Lý Thái Tổ 李太祖 (birth name Lý Công Uẩn 李公蘊; born 974 AD; emperor 1009-1028).
(b) 华闾 (今宁平省宁平市; both spelled Ninh Binh)

(4) 英外交大臣黑格回答中国网友提问. BBC Chinese, Oct. 5, 2010.

My comment: That is William Hague, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (commonly referred to as the Foreign Secretary). Rather the city in the Netherlands, Hague is a variant of surname Haig, which is derived from Old Norse hagi "enclosure."


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