Japanese printmaking | Riding the Crest; Hokusai is known for one image. That narrow view should be revised. Economist, June 6, 2015.
www.economist.com/news/books-and ... evised-riding-crest
(a) This is an exhibition review:
Hokusai. Boston: Museum of Fine Art, Apr 5, 2015-Aug 9, 2015.
(b) "complexity of Hokusai’s oeuvre"
(i) oeuvre (n; French œuvre, literally, work, from Latin The English noun opera is opera)
* The English noun opera was borrowed from Italian noun feminine opera, which was in turned borrowed from Latin noun feminine opera meaning work.
(ii) Hokusai
(1760? -1849; Katsushika Hokusai 葛飾 北斎; It is believed his father was the mirror-maker Nakajima Ise; Hokusai was known by at least thirty names during his lifetime)
The ja.wikipedia.org page for him is richer: born in 武蔵国葛飾郡 (present-day Tokyo); 貧しい百姓の子; 姓は川村氏、幼名は時太郎 Tokitarō; 明和元年(1764年) 幼くして、幕府御用達鏡磨師であった中島伊勢の養子となったが、のち、実子に家督を譲り、家を出る [translation: In 1764, given to NAKAJIMA Ise for adoption, but later having been passed over for inheritance, left home]; 寛政7年(1795年) 「北斎宗理」の号を用いる)
(c) his works mentioned in the review: “ ‘Thirty-Six Views of Mt Fuji’ (which includes both ‘The Great Wave’ and another well-known work, ‘Red Mt Fuji’ ”
(i) “Under the Wave off Kanagawa (The Great Wave)”
(ii) 『冨嶽三十六景 凱風快晴』 (通称:赤富士)