本帖最后由 choi 于 7-12-2015 16:19 编辑
(b) US statistics on public sector.
(i) The federal government does not have state-owned enterprises 國營事業 as defined in Taiwan and China, but does have corporations. See state-owned enterprise
(section 6.3 United States: such as Fannie Mae, Amtrak--for a few years, the largest shareholder of General Motors)
(ii) Gerald Mayer, Selected Characteristics of Private and Public Sector Workers. Congressional Research Service, Mar 21, 2014
("The number of people employed in both the private and public sectors has increased steadily as the US economy has grown. However, after increasing to 19.2% of total employment in 1975, the percentage of all jobs that are in the public sector fell to 15.7% in 1999. In 2013, public sector jobs accounted for 16.0% of total employment")
Go to "Figure 4. Public Sector Employment, by Level of Government, as a Share of Total Employment, 1955 to 2013" (at page 4), you will see the percentage of federal employees in the employed has steadily shrunk over time, from ~4.4% in 1955 to ~2% in 2013.
(iii) For number of full-time and part-time public-sector employees (in federal, state, and local governments), see
Government Employment & Payroll. US Bureau of Census, undated
The latest available is for 2013, which includes the following two items, among others.
(A) Robert Jesse Willhide, 2013 Annual Survey of Public Employment & Payroll Summary Report. Bureau of Census, Dec 19, 2014
(page 2: "In March 2013, federal, state, and local governments employed 21.8 million people. * * * State governments employed 5.3 million people * * * Local governments employed 13.8 million people, * * * The federal government employed 2.7 million people")
Pay attention to “Figure 2 Full-Time and Total Employment for Federal, State, and Local Governments: March 2013” (part-time employment accounts for the difference between “full-time and total employment.”
(B) Of the 21.8 million, 12.6%, 24.2% and 63.2%, respectively, work for federal, state, and local governments. See
Categories of Employees at the Federal, State, and Local Levels.
http://factfinder.census.gov/fac ... view.xhtml?src=bkmk
(c) Yuen Yuen Ang, Counting Cadres: A Comparative View of the Size of China’s Public Employment. The China Quarterly 211: 676-696 (2012)
deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/111822/Ang, Counting cadres.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
(p 690: "The World Bank conducted an international survey [[published in 1997] of public employment using data from the early 1990s. The findings are summarized in Table 4 and compared with Chinese statistics. Based on the Organizational History Statistics, public employment in China averaged 3.1 per cent of total population from 1990 to 1998, whereas local public employment as a share of population was 2.5 per cent. Compared to other countries, the net size of public employment in China is one-third below the global mean of 4.7 per cent") (footnote omitted)