(1) 中国の尖閣領有権主張、また崩れる 17世紀作製、初の近代的地図「皇輿全覧図」に記載なし. 産経新聞, Sept 28, 2015
translation: The map of the entire nation of China titled 皇輿全覧図 was commissioned in 1699 by Kangxi Emperor of Qing dynasty. A large scale of surveys of the entire nations was done, map made and completed in 1717. Afterwards, the maps of the entire nation of China used this map as gold standard. In this map, Taiwan and 澎湖諸島 was depicted which were incorporated into Fujian province in 1683, but not the Senkaku islands.
My comment:
(a) My only question is 皇輿全覧図 is well known. What takes it so long for people to find out that the Senkakus did not show up in that map? A minor question is the map show Korean peninsula, too which OBVIOUSLY was not Qing’s territory.
(b) Japanese English dictionary
i-e-zu-su イエズス (proper name): “Jesuit” (Japanese pronunciation does not have “ye” -- it does have ya, yu and yo -- so it becomes “i” and “e.”
sen-kyō-shi 宣教師 【せんきょうし】 (n): “missionary”
(c) The report says 拓殖大学の下條正男教授 made the discovery.
professor Masa-o SHIMO-JŌ of Takushoku University [a private university based in Tokyo, founded in 1900 to develop talents to colonize Taiwan]
(2) 「尖閣日本領」欧州の地図 日清戦争より前、中国主張を否定する資料. 産経新聞, Sept 28, 2015, June 24, 2015.