凯特·梅贝里, 跨国婚姻:外籍配偶入籍难. BBC Chinese, June 16, 2016
http://www.bbc.com/ukchina/simp/ ... ountry-to-call-home
, which is translated from
Kate Mayberry, The Newlyweds with No Country to Call Home. Tying the knot was easy. Making it simple for your spouse to stay — not so much. BBC, May 30, 2016.
http://www.bbc.com/capital/story ... ountry-to-call-home
(a) "When I left Britain to start a job in Singapore, all I took with me was a rucksack. * * * But then, as tends to happen, I met someone.
Now, I’m married and have a nine-year-old, a house and a car, but home is not London. It’s Kuala Lumpur, and my family is Malaysian."
(i) rucksack (n; German noun masculine Rücken (anatomy) back)
(ii) Her LinkedIn page says she is freelance, and graduated from University of Wales, Cardiff.
(iii) Her undated photo:
(b) "Kirsten Han, a Singaporean journalist, met her husband, Calum Stuart, when she was studying for a postgraduate degree in the UK. They got married near his hometown in Scotland in 2014. * * * It was the British government's new incomes rules — introduced in 2012 with the aim of weeding out what officials said were 'sham' marriages — that made it impossible for the [this] couple to settle in the UK. * * * The rule has been blamed for creating a swathe of families [where spouses live in different nations or move outside UK altogether] * * * Han and Stuart decided to go to Singapore, where spouses are usually issued a one-year visit pass that allows them to work"
(A) Callum
("a male given name and surname of Gaelic origin meaning 'Dove.' It may be also spelled Calumn, Calum or Colum")
(B) House of Stuart
(section 1.1 Etymology)
(ii) As a noun, the spelling is always "swath" in US. The "swathe" is British English. I have no idea why the British added the "e."
swathe (n; Old English swæth, swathu track, trace): "a strip [of land] left clear by the passage of a mowing machine or scythe"
www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/swathe |