本帖最后由 choi 于 8-5-2016 10:56 编辑
VOA Chinese, Aug 5, 2016
, which is based on
湯漢, 中國教會與普世教會的共融合一. 公教報, Aug 7, 2016, pp 11-14.
(a) VOA Chinese: "天主教香港教區湯漢樞機主教7月31日在《公教報》撰文稱,北京與梵蒂岡已就任命主教方式達成初步協議,並指雙方的對話是 '人間對話的典範.' "
(i) Because the pages span from 11 to 14, there are three URLs: one for page 11, another for pages 12 and 13, and followed by the third and last URL for page 14.
Go to the home page of 公教報, which displays a long horizontal box "請選擇本期新聞." In the pull-down menu, select
(A) 中國教會與普世教會的共融合一 [page 11]
Right underneath the title is "刊登日期: 2016.08.05" (today's date as the release date, though the date of publication for THIS issue is shown at the top of each page: "主曆2016年8月7日")
whose bottom includes "下一則: 中國教會與普世教會的共融合一(續)" for pages 12 and 13)
(B) 中國教會與普世教會的共融合一(續) [pages 12, 13]
(C) 中國教會與普世教會的共融合一(續) [page 14]
(ii) The prologue at page 11 of 公教報:
聖神研究中心創辧人之一。 ——編者
* It is clear that July 31 was the archbishop's birthday, which may or may not the date the archbishop wrote the piece.
(b) I browse pages 11 - 14, which uses 對話, not 建交.
(c) At pages 12-13, the bottom of column 1 has this critical sentence: "聖座與北京之間的協議是人間對話的典範,是雙方關係正常化的開始,相信雙方今後會繼續本著彼此信任將對話進行到底。"
"開始" does not necessarily mean 建交 right away, in my view.