(1) 港榮休主教:中梵要建交 先釋放坐牢神父. 台灣: 蘋果日報, Aug 9, 2016
www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimene ... 4799/paperart_right
Note: The last sentence of Taiwanese newspaper is "香港《蘋果日報》翻閱最新一期《公教報》,刊登了湯漢的文章全文,但陳日君的文章則不見踪影。" This suggests Archbishop Chan's article is not found in the current issue. But the Hong Kong newspaper is on the money: "本報翻閱最新一期《公教報》,全文刊登了湯漢的文章,但較早前陳的文章《從一個「沉痛的呼籲」講起》則不見蹤影。"
, which is translated from
(2) 張嘉雯, 「湯漢唔係講我」 回應中梵談判 陳日君:先放獄中神父教友. 香港: 蘋果日報, Aug 9, 2016
Note: In the Hong Kong newspaper:
(a) "陳日君 * * * 相信湯 [漢] 早前發文指有人向教宗「詛咒與謾罵」,並非針對他,「唔好 [别/ 不要] 冤枉佢 [him/her] (湯漢)」;他認為繼續談判前,北京要表示誠意,「至少要放晒(內地)坐緊監嘅 [的] 神父教友先有得談㗎,唔係 [不是] 有乜好談啫」。
(b) Cantonese-English dictionary
* 晒 (adv): "entirely"
* 緊: "[粵]: (used after a verb) aspect marker for ongoing action, in the process of"
In other words, it is the same as present participle ("ing") in English grammar.
* 乜 (pronoun): "what"
* 咪 "[粵] mai6 [which is pronunciation symbol] - Cantonese only[:] isn't; wasn't; aren't (used as a syllable blending from m4hai6 唔係)"
* 啲: "[pron] some; those"
(c) "陳日君[:] 「大家誤會咗 [咗, like 㗎 and 啫, ends a sentence and is per se meaningless; the same as 唄 in Beijing speak, which Taiwan does not have]」。他指自己沒有將矛頭指向教宗,相信湯是回應內地的聲音,「內地網站就真係 [是] 有人鬧教宗,如果唔 [不] 係我都唔使 [不必] 寫個呼籲,叫佢哋 [不] 唔好鬧」。"
(d) "陳對於建交後中國教會的情況感擔憂,認為要求一直忠於梵蒂岡的地下教會成員加入官方教會不是解決方法,「咁咪即係畀 [passive voice] 晒佢(內地政府)管?正式畀政府『辦教』?咁 [LIKE this] 樣即係投降。建咗交又點 [又點 = so what] 呀?到時就算教宗去到中國,咪 [see (b)] 又係啲 [see (b)] 畀佢(內地政府)揀過,聽話嗰啲 [(adj): those] 人先 [才] 可以去見教宗,咁地下(教會)嗰啲點?」 * * * 中國主教團呢樣 [this kind of; 樣 (n): 'type'] 嘢 [(n): 'thing'] 根本唔存在"
(e) "根據《天主教法典》,所謂裂教,即不願服從教宗或不願與隸屬教宗的教會成員共融"
裂教 schism
(The word is most frequently applied to a split in what had previously been a single religious body, such as the East–West Schism or the Great Western Schism)
(f) "早前路透社調查報道指教宗方濟各或藉慈悲禧年,赦免8名自選自聖的非法主教,其中3人已被絕罰(逐出教會),教廷或讓8人繼續保留主教銜頭,但不再執掌教區職務,陳日君認為安排可以接受,但相信北京會拒絕。"
(i) 慈悲特殊禧年
(Latin: Iubilaeum Extraordinarium Misericordiae; 也簡稱為慈悲禧年; 是天主教會於2015年12月8日至2016年11月20日舉行的禧年,原先禧年是固定每隔25年舉行一次)
(ii) 絕罰
, whose English verb is "excommunicate."
(iii) 禧年 Jubilee or
Year of Jubilee. Encyclopaedia Britannica, undated.
(iv) jubilee. Online Etymology Dictionary, undated.
* For separation of letters i and j, see Latin alphabet
(section 1.2 Medieval and later developments)