(2) SMIC CEO (in chronological order):
• Richard Chang 张汝京 (born in Nanjing in January 1948, "没满周岁就在襁褓中随父母去了台湾") 2000-2009
• David NK Wang 王宁国 (born in Nanjing in 1946 and grew up in Taiwan) 2009-2011
• Tzu-Yin "TY" Chiu 2011-2017
• 梁孟松(联合首席执行官 co-CEO)2017-
• 赵海军(联合首席执行官 2017-
(3) Oral History of Shang-Yi Chiang. Mountain View, Calif: Computer History Museum (CHM), interviewed by Douglas Fairbairn on Mar 15, 2022 (CHM Ref: 2022.0040)
https://archive.computerhistory. ... 92671-05-01-acc.pdf
("in 2016, late 2016, the CEO of SMIC happened to be my old colleague at TSMC. He was a fab manager at TSMC, and personally, we are pretty close because we come from the same hometown in China [蒋尚义(1946-; 籍贯浙江,生于重庆; '1997年返回台湾。进入台湾积体电路制造担任研发副总裁,2006年7月首度退休,2009年被张忠谋返聘后担任首席运营官,2013年再度退休。 * * * 2021年11月11日,蒋尚义辞去中芯国际公司副董事长、执行董事及董事会战略委员会成员职务'): zh.wikipediua.org]. And his father and my father were friends, so we were pretty close. And he asked me to help him out because they had some -- he was blamed for lag in R&D. His name is TY Chiu. He did very, very well. SMIC always lose money before he became CEO. * * * I joined the company. It was a mistake. Yeah. You did something right. You do
something foolish in your life. It was one of the foolish things I've done. * * * They [SMIC] cannot buy any equipment to do the technology for ten nanometer or below. * * * The sanction happened three days after I joined. * * * I joined on December 15th. The announcement was made on the 18th [in the Trump administration]. * * * they [probably SMIC, not Chinese government: judging from the context] didn't trust me. Because this guy's [Chiang] not only Taiwanese, he's also US citizen." pp 42-43 of 49)
(a) Obviously 首席运营官 in Taiwan is same as 首席执行官 in China -- both being CEO in English.
(b) At p 23 of the Oral History, Chiang said the title 研发副总裁 was VP of R&D, and "This was 1996, actually," not 1997.
(c) "we come from the same hometown in China"
邱慈观:把伦理纳入金融. Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF) 上海交通大学 上海高级金融学院, Apr 27, 2016 (under the heading 教授风采)
("2015年 * * * 邱慈观正式全职加盟上海高级金融学院(以下简称 '高金'),这位美国宾夕法尼亚大学的金融学博士的研究领域独特,横跨金融学与伦理学两大学科 * * * 邱慈观祖籍浙江湖州,外高祖业盐,曾任江浙两省盐商公会理事长,业余有文人雅兴,能诗词,好收藏,纂金石古玺古器图书三十余种,其中一些迄今仍收藏在上海图书馆善本书室。她曾祖于清末移居上海,祖父及父亲都出生沪市,父亲还是交大老校友, 1949年才迁居台湾。因家中长辈都讲上海话,邱慈观对吴侬软语很熟悉 * * * 邱慈云,正是她家族中另一个出生台湾、扬名国际,其后重返祖籍地的例子") |