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AIT 政治组长获任命驻北京大使馆临时代办

发表于 3-15-2025 11:06:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 3-16-2025 11:03 编辑

(1) 路透:美国在台协会政治组长获任命驻北京大使馆临时代办. VOA Chinese, Mar 15, 2025, at "15:57" without specifying whether it was EDT or something else.
https://www.voachinese.com/a/us- ... 250315/8011553.html

first three paragraphs:

"路透社独家报道,在美国驻中国大使人选戴维·珀杜(David Perdue)任命案得到参议院批准前,国务院指派美国在台北协会(AIT)政治科科长武安妮(Anny Vu)出任临时代办,督导驻北京大使馆的1300名工作人员和在中国的其他领事馆人员。


"据AIT官网上的个人简历,武安妮在出任AIT政治科科长之前,曾在位于华盛顿的美国国务院 '中国事务协调办公室'(Office of China Coordination)担任高阶职务。

(2) Antoni Slodkowski and Laurie Chen, Exclusive: US to Install Senior Diplomat as Chargé to Oversee China Embassy: State Dept. Reuters, Mar 14, 2025, at "2:20 AM EDT."
https://www.reuters.com/world/us ... te-dept-2025-03-14/

(a) Upon reading this news, my interest focused on 临时代办: what it is and its English.
(i) chargé d'affaires
("is a diplomat who serves as an embassy's chief of mission in the absence of the ambassador"/ section 1 Types of chargés: chargés d'affaires ad interim (ai) [临时代办] + chargés d'affaires en pied (ep) are appointed to be permanent heads of mission, in cases where the two countries lack ambassadorial-level relations)
(ii) French-English dictionary:
* chargé (noun masculine; plural chargés, feminine chargée; from verb charger to put in charge): "boss; chief (normally only used in expressions)"
* affaire (noun feminine): "business; matter; affair"
* The adjective en pied (literally on foot, or standing) means a "full-length" portrait, from head to feet.
   ^ pied (noun masculine; plural pieds; from Latin noun masculine pēs foot): "foot"
(iii) 政治科科长 Political Section Chief (not only Reuters uses this title, but AIT itself also when announcing this appointment on Oct 11, 2024 (which is taken down)

(i) Office of China Coordination
(OCC; "The OCC replaced the China Desk of Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs in December 2022")
(ii) OCC is under Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (EAP)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bu ... and_Pacific_Affairs
(section1 Organization: Office of Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Island Affairs (EAP/ANP) + OCC (EAP/CHINA) [OCC is the acronym, while EAP/CHINA is an office within EAP] + Office of Japanese Affairs (EAP/J) + Office of Korean and Mongolian Affairs (EAP/KM) + Office of Taiwan Coordination (EAP/TC) + more)

(c) "Deputy Chief of Mission Sarah Beran, an experienced career civil servant who was responsible for China on the former US President Joe Biden administration's National Security Council (NSC), has been running the embassy since the former US Ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns, left in January with the change of the US president."
(i) Deputy Chief of Mission Sarah M Beran. US Embassy in China, undated

full text:

"Sarah M Beran assumed duties as the Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy in Beijing in January 2025. She is a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service with the rank of Minister-Counselor.

"Prior to this assignment, Sarah served as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for China and Taiwan Affairs on the National Security Council Staff at the White House. She has also served in the Office of Secretary of State Antony Blinken as Deputy Executive Secretary covering the Indo-Pacific; the Director of the Office of Chinese and Mongolian Affairs at the State Department's Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (EAP/CM), overseeing a team of 35 desk officers covering China, Hong Kong and Mongolia policy * * *

(A) deputy chief of mission
(is an American title; "in Europe the term deputy head of mission – DHoM or DHM is used instead) * * * The deputy chief of mission is usually considered the second-in-command to the head of mission (usually an ambassador)" )
(B) At last I comprehend diplomatic rank
("• Minister. * * * After World War II, the embassy became the standard form of diplomatic mission, and the rank of minister is now obsolete. Many countries use the title minister-counsellor to refer to the deputy head of a mission")

Thus Beran's current job/title is Deputy Chief of Mission and rank is "Minister-Counselor." The US embassy in Beijing might not even have a regular/ permanent job of deputy chief of mission; that embassy might not have named Beran as deputy chief of mission if the replacement of an ambassador is confirmed (by senate) in time (before the predecessor departs).  
(iii) The "Office of Chinese and Mongolian Affairs at the State Department's Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (EAP/CM)" is defunct -- not listed in Note (b)(ii).


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