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香港GDP远超广深 征税额远低于广深

发表于 6-14-2011 18:50:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


  上周,香港通过了市民减税方案,而派钱6000港元也公布了登记时间。港府“藏富于民”的惠民措施得到广大读者的好评,而据南都记者昨日调查,香港的G DP比广州、深圳高了不少,但港府征收的税比广州、深圳少了50%以上。而在教育、卫生的开支上,港府的预算又远远超过广深。











  《深圳市2010年国民经济和社会发展统计公报》表明,2010年深圳市地方财政完成一般预算支出1265 .27亿元。其中,教育支出124.55亿元;科学技术支出99.84亿元;文化体育与传媒支出18.74亿元;医疗卫生支出43.41亿元;一般公共服务支出114.75亿元;基本建设支出206.50亿元。


  据广州市有关部门公布的数据,2010年广州地区生产总值(G D P)为10604.48亿元,是继沪京后内地第三个GDP突破一万亿元的城市。

  据来自广州市税务工作会议的消息,2010年广州市国、地税部门共组织税费收入3379.2亿元,其中国税组织税收收入2057 .5亿元,地税组织税费收入1321.7亿元。


  采写:南都记者康殷 吴怿 游星宇



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 楼主| 发表于 6-20-2011 11:10:52 | 只看该作者

Re: 香港GDP远超广深 征税额远低于广深





【 在 choi (choi) 的大作中提到: 】
: (1) I want to make a correction in my previous posting: "In Taiwan, an individual pays income tax once a year to the central government, which then distributes the revenue to governments below."
: I want to replace "pays" with "file a tax form" (as in US). And in Taiwan salaried workers get deduction from their salary (as in US; monthly in Taiwan but can be monthly, biweekly or weekly in US).
: ...................


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发表于 6-20-2011 10:34:12 | 只看该作者

Re: 香港GDP远超广深 征税额远低于广深


(1) I want to make a correction in my previous posting: "In Taiwan, an individual pays income tax once a year to the central government, which then distributes the revenue to governments below."

I want to replace "pays" with "file a tax form" (as in US). And in Taiwan salaried workers get deduction from their salary (as in US; monthly in Taiwan but can be monthly, biweekly or weekly in US).

Taiwan has never imposed sales tax, but has always has excise tax (eg, commodity tax 貨物税,  license tax 牌照稅, fuel tax 燃料稅, and liquor or alcohol tax 酒稅).

(2) 消费税 (中华人民共和国)
(3.1 税目)
appears to be excise tax, rather than sales tax.

(a) In other words, shoppers to a supermarket in China do not pay sales tax.

(b) I live in Boston. So I will use Massachusetts as an example.
A Guide to Sales and Use Tax. Department of Revenue, Massachusetts.

Supermarket shoppers in Massachusetts, as a rule of thumb, do not pay sales tax (even a loaf of bread), but does pay sales tax for salad bar and cooked chicken--because there is a sales tax on meals (which the state emphasizes is "not a separate 'meals tax'"). When we go to a restaurant, we pay sales tax.   

(3) Individual income tax in PRC.

(a) 所得稅
(PRC started collecting income tax in 1980, and Republic of China, in 1943)

ROC started income tax in mainland China of course; at the time, Taiwan was a colony of Empire of Japan.

(b) I did some research just now. It seems that an individual pays income tax to Beijing 国库 (no separate income tax to province, unlike US).

中华人民共和国个人所得税法 itself mentions only 国库, not a word about 省库.

(c) From collected income tax nationwide, Beijing keeps 50% and distributes the rest to respective provincial (20%) and city/county (30%) governments.

转发所得税收入分享改革后有关有关预算管理问题的通知. 国家财政局、广州市国家税务局、广州市地方税务局, promulgation date: Apr 26, 2002 (穗财预[2002]517号).

【 在 bridged 的大作中提到: 】
: 由于最近在钻研技术,写文章时间不多。简单讲讲
: 1.文章的关键是指税的使用而非税率。
: HongKong在税率很低的情况下(并且好像最后没用完,还给每人6000元退税)
: 2.中国同样是两级分税制,国税和地税
: 其中增值税75%和消费税这样的大头是国税
: 地税是增值税剩余部分和城建、资源、所得税,卖地收入
: (以下引言省略...)

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 楼主| 发表于 6-19-2011 16:16:47 | 只看该作者

Re: 香港GDP远超广深 征税额远低于广深






【 在 choi (choi) 的大作中提到: 】
: I rethink your original posting.
: What is the meaning of the table at the top of the report? Is there a separate tax payment to Beijing?
: A second question is: An individual or company in China pays tax to different levels of government separately?
: In United States, an individual will pay federal tax (income as well as social security), state tax, property tax to town or city where he lives--besides sales tax in transactions and excise tax (for gasoline, tobacco and so on).
: ...................

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 楼主| 发表于 6-19-2011 12:51:47 | 只看该作者

Re: 香港GDP远超广深 征税额远低于广深



【 在 choi (choi) 的大作中提到: 】
: I rethink your original posting.
: What is the meaning of the table at the top of the report? Is there a separate tax payment to Beijing?
: A second question is: An individual or company in China pays tax to different levels of government separately?
: In United States, an individual will pay federal tax (income as well as social security), state tax, property tax to town or city where he lives--besides sales tax in transactions and excise tax (for gasoline, tobacco and so on).
: ...................

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发表于 6-19-2011 12:15:17 | 只看该作者

Re: 香港GDP远超广深 征税额远低于广深


I rethink your original posting.

What is the meaning of the table at the top of the report? Is there a separate tax payment to Beijing?

A second question is: An individual or company in China pays tax to different levels of government separately?

In United States, an individual will pay federal tax (income as well as social security), state tax, property tax to town or city where he lives--besides sales tax in transactions and excise tax (for gasoline, tobacco and so on).

In Taiwan, an individual pays income tax once a year to the central government, which then distributes the revenue to governments below.

【 在 bridged 的大作中提到: 】
: http://nf.nfdaily.cn/nfdsb/content/images/attachement/jpg/site88/20110614/001372a1c8c00f60f1bc08.jpg
:   上周,香港通过了市民减税方案,而派钱6000港元也公布了登记时间。港府“藏富于民”的惠民措施得到广大读者的好评,而据南都记者昨日调查,香港的G DP比广州、深圳高了不少,但港府征收的税比广州、深圳少了50%
: (以下引言省略...)

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发表于 6-16-2011 11:31:14 | 只看该作者

Re: 香港GDP远超广深 征税额远低于广深


(1) today's foreign currency exchnage rate: 1 Chinese yuan (CNY) = 1.2 Hong Kong dollar, or
1 Hong Kong dollar = 0.83 CNY

(2) In a sense, it is unfair to compare Hong Kong with other economies, for HK has one of the lowest tax rates in the world.*

* One reason is readily apparent: It does not support trappings of a nation, such as military and diplomacy.

(3) List of countries by tax revenue as percentage of GDP. Wikipedia

According to Heritage Foundation (column 1),** total tax revenue as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) for the following economies:

Canada ...............................................33.4%
China, People's Republic of ................17.0
China, Republic of (Taiwan) ................12.4
Cuba ....................................................44.8
Denmark ..............................................50.0
France .................................................46.1
Germany ..............................................40.6
Greece .................................................33.5
Hong Kong ...........................................12.8
Inida ......................................................17.7
Irealnd ..................................................34.0
Israel .....................................................36.8
Italy .......................................................42.6
Japan ....................................................27.4
Luxembourg ..........................................36.4
Korea, South .........................................26.8
Mexico .....................................................9.7
Netherlands ...........................................39.5
Norway ..................................................43.6
Russia ....................................................36.9
Spain ......................................................37.3
Sweden ..................................................47.9
Switzerland ............................................30.1
United Arab Emirates ..............................1.4   
United Kingdom .....................................39.0  
United States (all levels) ........................26.9  

** Reference 1: "Index of Economic Freedom, Heritage Foundation. Note: Tax revenue as a percentage of GDP was obtained from the individual country pages, under the "Fiscal Freedom" section. These numbers change. Please update the numbers for individual countries in the list."

My comment: Take Hong Kong for example:

"FISCAL FREEDOM 93.3  +0.3 [compared with the previous year]

Hong Kong’s effective tax rates are among the lowest in the world. Individuals are taxed either progressively, between 2 percent and 17 percent on income adjusted by deductions and allowances, or at a flat 15 percent of gross income, depending on which liability is lower. The top corporate income tax rate is 16.5 percent. Unincorporated businesses enjoy a lower rate of 15 percent. Excise duties on beer and wine were removed in 2008. In the most recent year, overall tax revenue as a percentage of GDP was 13 percent."
Hong Kong, in "2011 Index of Economic Freedom," Heritage Foundation. http://www.heritage.org/index/Country/HongKong

(4) It just happens that a few days ago an international comparison of tax regimes in 19 nations (China, Taiwan, Hong Kong not among them) were released: taxing salary of $25,000 and $200,000.

Press Releases: Wide Tax Gaps Among Countries, UHY Study Finds. UHY, June 10, 2011.

Please take notice that Dubai is a constituent emirate of UAE.

(The following report took up with the first half of the press release:
Alistair MacDonald, Europeans Found Taxed Heaviest: Russia's Rich Have Lightest Load. Wall Street Journal, Juen 13, 2011.

(5) After I came to US, I frequently was puzzled by tax battles between Congress and the president. At last I learned that tax in Taiwan was (and is) among the lowest in the world--both individual and corporate income tax. After slashing tariff in advance of accession to World Trade Organization, Taiwan's tariff is also low.

【 在 bridged 的大作中提到: 】
: http://nf.nfdaily.cn/nfdsb/content/images/attachement/jpg/site88/20110614/001372a1c8c00f60f1bc08.jpg
:   上周,香港通过了市民减税方案,而派钱6000港元也公布了登记时间。港府“藏富于民”的惠民措施得到广大读者的好评,而据南都记者昨日调查,香港的G DP比广州、深圳高了不少,但港府征收的税比广州、深圳少了50%
: (以下引言省略...)

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