David Creary, Most adoptions from China now special-needs cases. Associated
Press, Mar. 27, 2010.
My comment: A fifth of Taiwanese were a carrier of Hepatitis B virus. I was
one, when I had my blooded tested in early 1980s. So I was appalled when I
read Bethany Durkin's statement: "I wasn't with hepatitis B or heart surgery
, but we were comfortable with cleft palate." What is wrong with being a
carrier of the virus? Last year, I got it retested--because my primary-care
physician insisted: "It would not cost you anything." It (antigen and
antibodies) came back negative! And look at what Taiwan has achieved:
Y. Ni, L. Huang, M. Chang, C. Yen, C. Lu, S. You, J. Kao, Y. Lin, H. Chen, H
. Hsu, Two Decades of Universal Hepatitis B Vaccination in Taiwan: Impact
and Implication for Future Strategies. Gastroenterology, Vol. 132, Pages
1287-1293 (2007).
(Only 1.2% in those born after the vaccination program (<20 years of age)
in 2004 were antigen-positive)