Michael Shapiro, Steppe lively: Mongolia's Naadam games. Washington Post,
Apr. 11, 2010 (available now).
("When President Nixon visited China in 1972, he said that it takes a great
people to build a Great Wall. In Mongolia they countered: It takes an even
greater people to make them want to build it.")
steppe (n): "one of the vast usually level and treeless tracts in
southeastern Europe or Asia"
(Mongolian for "games")
(c) For "del," see Deel (clothing)
(usually made of silk)
(d) bacchanal (n; Etymology): "Latin, shrine of Bacchus): ORGY
Bacchus (n): "the Greek god of wine —called also Dionysus"
(e) celestial (adj): "1: of, relating to, or suggesting heaven or divinity *
* * 3a: ETHEREAL, OTHERWORDLY <celestial music>"
(f) bedraggle (vt): "to wet thoroughly"
(g) crinkle (n): WRINKLE
crinkly (adj)
All English definitions are from www.m-w.com.
图辑:严寒侵袭蒙古. BBC Chinese, Mar. 29, 2010.