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Ripples of PLAN Exercise

发表于 4-24-2010 12:11:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

发信人: choi (choi), 信区: Military
标  题: Ripples of PLAN Exercise
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Apr 24 16:09:56 2010, 美东)

(1) Editorial: Chinese Navy choppers' dangerous actions. The Yomiuri Shimbun
, Apr. 24, 2010.

My comment: Read only the third--and last--section.

(2) Li Hongmei's column: Can we manage without Carrier? People's Daily, Apr.
22, 2010.


"At present, Japan is the most cooperative in this chain of islands, while
the others -- South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore,
Brunei, Australia and New Zealand -- have their own interest and political

"Not all of these islands support US containment of China. Taiwan, however,
seems to be one of the more corroded links in this island chain.

"In order to forge a complete island chain and effectively contain China's
naval capabilities, the U.S. and its ally Japan decided to shift their
efforts from strengthening the weakest link in the chain to locating a
replacement for Taiwan.

"At present, they fix their eyes on Yonaguni, an island 110 kilometers to
Taiwan, expecting it to replace Taiwan and help maintain the wholeness of
the first island chain.

My comment:
(a) LI Hongmei 李红梅?
(b) Yonaguni 与那国島
(the westernmost island of Japan. It is the last of the Ryukyu Islands chain
, and lies 108 kilometers (67 mi) from the east coast of Taiwan)

One has to click "External links: Satellite image - Google Maps" to
appreciate the small speck of Yonaguni right in the middle of Taiwan and
Iriomoto 西表島.

(c) Chinese are deluded if they think the Ma administration will open the
gates and welcome PLA in.

(3)  Dr Charles Giovanni Vanzan Coutinho, Letter to editor: China no clone
of Bismarck’s Reich. Financial Times (FT), Apr. 23, 2010.
("Simply put, while present-day China has territorial disputes and/or claims
with almost all its neighbours * * * the Bismarckian Reich was able through
the iron chancellor’s skilful diplomacy after 1871 to construct a web of
alliances and alignments which in effect made Berlin the centre of European
diplomacy, with only France being left out")

My comment:
(a) The letter replies to

Wen Liao, Bismarck holds lessons for a rising China. FT, Apr. 14, 2010,

which I did not think brought new ideas. But obviously a few did not agree
with me.

(b) I beg to differ with the quotation. Myanmar and Pakistan are China's
neighbors and allies.
(c) The first chancellor of German Empire Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898)
served under three kaisers: Wilhelm I (1871–1888), Frederick III (1888),
and Wilhelm II (1888–1890).
(d) Wilhelm II, German Emperor
(1859-1941; the last German Emperor and King of Prussia, ruling both the
German Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia from 15 June 1888 to 9 November
1918; consult section 6: Abdication and flight)


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