China’s space programme | Rockets Galore; The next decade will see China become a space power, as well as an earthly one. Economist, Jan 7, 2012.
"The one place China does seem unlikely to be going, ironically, is the so-called International Space Station. This is an American-led venture and the United States seems reluctant to extend the term 'International' to include China.
"Ultimately, manned space flight is futile. All the scientifically and practically important stuff can be done by robots. Nevertheless, symbols count. If the next man (or woman) on the moon is Chinese, many people will see it as a sign that America has been surpassed again.
(i) regolith (n; Greek rhēgos blanket + English -lith, stone; First Known Use 1897):
"unconsolidated residual or transported material that overlies the solid rock on the earth, moon, or a planet"
(ii) regolith
(b) "Long March 5 is a Chinese next-generation heavy lift launch system that is currently under development." Wikipedia