(2) Ingrid K Williams, In Old Shops, Renewal in Kyoto.
http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow ... 20624_FORAGING.html
(a) skide 1:
(i) Nishijin 京都市上京区 西陣
(ii) Imadegawa Dori 今出川 通
(京都市中心市街地北部の主要な東西の通りの一つ; 「今出川」の名前は鴨川分流の今出川が東洞院通から東京極大路(現在の寺町通)まで通りに沿って流れていたことに由来する)
* translation: one of main east-west streets; the street is named after Imadegawa, a tributary 分流 (pronounced bunryu) of Kamogawa 鴨川.
* 通り(pronounced dori) street
* 市街地 【しがいち】 (n): "town areas"
All Japanese definitions are from Jim Breen's online Japanerse dictionary.
(ii) Horikawa
(may refer to: Horikawa, Kyoto, one of main streets in Kyoto, whereupon lie the Horikawa Mansion of both Emperor Horikawa 堀河天皇 [1078-1107; reign 1087-1107], and later, Minamoto no Yoshitsune)
* 堀川通
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/å å·é
translation: one of the principal north-south streets in Kyoto
* Kanji for kawa can be either 川 or 河.
* MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune 源 義経 (1159-1189), a general whose older brother MINAMOTO no Yoritomo 源 頼朝 (1147-1199; shogun 将軍 1192-1199) founded the Kamakura shogunate 鎌倉 幕府.
(iii) machiya 町屋/町家
(Machiya housed urban merchants and craftsmen, a class collectively referred to as chōnin 町人 (townspeople); The word machiya is written using two kanji: machi (町) meaning “town”, and ya (家 or 屋) meaning “house” (家) or “shop” (屋) depending on the kanji used to express it)
* The "machi" and "chō" are Chinese ("on" 音 読) and Japanese ("kun" 訓 読) pronunciations of 町, respectively.
(iv) kamisoe かみ添--kanji of kami かみ is 紙--is the name of a workshop/studio 工房 in Nishijin, whose exact address is
11-1 Higashi Fujinomori-cho Murasakino Kita-ku Kyoto [京都府 京都市] 北区 紫野 東藤ノ森町11-1.
(b) slide 2:
(i) Nazuna, a glass studio whose address is
11-1 Higashi Fujinomori-cho Murasakino 1F, Kita-ku 京都市 北区 紫野 東藤ノ森町 11-1 [藤森寮 北棟] 1階. See
ガラス工房 薺 nazuna
* ガラス glass
* nazuna 薺 【なずな】 (n): "(uk) shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)"
Capsella bursa-pastoris
is the binominal nomenclature. The weed is common in Boston.
* Murasakino 紫野 (where murasaki means purple and no, field)
* 1F means first floor, which is 1階 in Japanese (階 pronounced "kai").
(ii) bud vase
("a relatively tall, slender vase, usually footed, for holding a single, stemmed flower, usually a rosebud")
(c) slide 3:
陶細工 Ryuka (no kanji name) is on 2F (second floor; 2階) of the same building as (a) and (b) above. Its blog--no official website--is
* 陶器 【とうき】 (pronounced toki) (n) (compare 磁器): "china")
* 細工 【さいく】 (pronounced saiku) (n): "craftsmanship"
(d) Uchu Wagashi ウチュ ワガシ
has no kanji name, and its address is
786 Fujinoki-cho, Kamigyo-ku 京都市 上京区 [猪熊通 上立売下ル] 藤木町786.
(i) The uchu probably is
宇宙 【うちゅう】 (n): "universe"
(ii) wagashi 和菓子
(iii) 菓子
, pronounced kashi.
In Japanese, k (as in ka か in the first syllable become g (as in ga が), simply by adding two strokes at the right upper corner of the letter.
(iv) 猪熊通
(いのくまどおり; 京都市内の南北の通りの一つ)
translation: [pronounced] inokumadori; one of north-south streets in Kyoto
* 猪; 豬; 豕 【い】(pronounced "i") (n): "hog (esp. a wild boar, but also including the domesticated pig)"
* 熊 【くま】(pronounced kuma) (n): "bear"
* The "no" here--as well as in "MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune" or "東藤ノ森町" (where ノ is katakana 片仮名, as opposed to の in hiragana 平仮名) --is equivalent to *** in Chinese.
(v) Regarding 上立売下ル.
* 上立売通
(かみだちうりどおり; 京都市内の東西の通りの一つ)
translation: [pronounced] kami-dachi-dori; one of east-west streets in Kyoto
Both 立つ (pronounced tatsu; verb) and 立ち (pronounced tachi; noun) means "stand."
* 京都、地名の読み方. OKWave, Sept 27, 2005.
Q: "こんにちは。
A: "「きょうとし かみぎょうく からすまどおり かみだちうり さがる(くだる)」です。
"Good day. How to pronounce ;the following]?"
"[blah-blah-blah] 上立売下ル [pronounced] kamidachidori. 烏丸通 runs north-south; 上立売通 runs east-west. At the intersection, go south a little
(vi) 下がる 【さがる】(pronounced sagaru) (v): "to hang down; to abate; to retire; to fall; to step back <ランプは天井から下がっていた。 The lamp hung from the ceiling>"
(vii) For chai tea, see masala chai
(literally "mixed-spice tea") is a beverage from the Indian subcontinent made by brewing tea with a mixture of aromatic Indian spices and herbs; section 1 Etymology and terminology)
* masala
(viii) 落雁 【らくがん】(pronounced rakugan) (n): "hard candy"
(e) Yamaoka Saketen 山岡 酒店, whose address is
555 Botanboko-cho, Senbondori Kamidachiurisagaru, Kamikyo-ku 上京区 牡丹鉾町 千本通 上立売下ル;
and whose blog--no official web site--is
(i) 酒 (pronounced sake) in Japan means "rice wine," not Western "wine."
(ii) 千本通
(せんぼんどおり; 京都市の主要な南北の通りの一つ)
translation: [pronounced senbondori; one of north-south streets in Kyoto
(iii) botan 牡丹
(iv) For 鉾, see
矛; 鉾; 戈; 鋒; 戟; 桙; 槍 【ほこ】(pronounced hoko) (n): "long-handled Chinese spear; lance; pike"
(v) Nagisa Beer 南紀白浜 ナギサビール | 和歌山県 南紀白浜 地ビール
* 地ビール 【じビール】(pronounced jibiru, where biru is beer) (n): "local beer; microbrew"
, which was written on a vertical, whit sign inside the store of 山岡 酒店 (see slide).
* 渚; 汀 【なぎさ】(pronounced nagisa) (n): "water's edge; beach; shore"
* Wakayama Prefecture 和歌山 県
* 白浜 refers to 和歌山県 西牟婁郡 白浜町.
(しらはまちょう; 和歌山県西牟婁郡にある町。千葉県などにも白浜という地名が存在することもあり南紀白浜と呼ばれることもある。古い時代から温泉地として有名である)
translation: [pronounced] shira-hama-cho; in Nishi-mu-ro-gun [ 郡 district], Wakayama Prefecture; due to former 千葉県 安房郡 白浜町(しらはままち, pronounced shira-hama-machi; 現 南房総市 みなみぼうそうし pronounced minami-boso-shi) also called 南紀白浜 [to distinguish the two]; famous since ancient times for hot spring
(vi) Fujizakura Heights Beer 富士桜 高原 麦酒
* Brewed in 山梨県 南都留郡
(かわぐちこまち [pronounced kawa-guchi-ko-machi]; photo caption: 河口湖越しの富士山 [translation: Mount Fuji across 河口湖 (from 河口湖町))
, which is
(A) 越し 【ごし】(pronounced goshi) (preposition): "across; over; beyond"
(B) 河口湖 is a lake.
(かわぐちこ [pronounced kawa-guchi-ko])
(f) Kamisoe かみ添
* 添える [pronounced soeru) (v): "add"
examples: 錦上花を添える
* Ko KADO 嘉戸 浩. A Life (magazine), May 18, 2012.
* shōji 障子
(Formerly the word shōji could apply to both fusuma and shōji although with a formal distinction of "karagami shōji" 唐紙障子 (fusuma) and "akari shōji" 明り障子(shōji))
In other words, when shōji is slided closed, light still may shine in--but not in the case of fusama 襖. See