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Fortune, July 2, 2012

发表于 7-9-2012 06:55:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Graham Webster, Why Are the Chinese Buying up Toledo?
http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2 ... -china-real-estate/
(The entire text in print is short: "Last year Chinese investors paid $2.15 million in cash for a restaurant complex on the Maumee River in Toledo and $3.8 million for 69 acres of newly decontaminated land in the city's Marina District. Nearby, unnamed Chiese paid $3 million for a hotel that cost $42 million to build. Why Toledo? If you believe the buyers, it's the city's easy access to more investment opportunities in the Midwest. China's super-rich have good reason to diversify: Their domestic real estate market and banks are under scrutiny. Plus, foreign investors who put at least $1 million into a US business can be eligible to apply for a green card")

Note: Toledo
(founded in 1833 on the west bank of the Maumee River; the reason for this choice is buried in a welter of legends)

(a) Maumee River
(Historically the river was also known as the "Miami" in United States treaties with Native Americans; Maumee is an anglicized spelling of the Ottawa name for the Miami Indians, Maamii)

(b) Americans pronounce Toledo (the city in Ohio and the province in Spain) the same. However, Spaniards pronounce their province differently--in "e" and "d."

(i) Toledo

The first pronunication is American while the second one (preceded with "also") is Spanish.
(ii) Spanish Pronunciation. StudySpanish.com, undated.
(in th eleft column: Topic 6 Consonant: d)
(iii) Spanish/Pronunciation

(2) JP Mangalindan, Replacing teh Mouse. The communication gap between man and machine just closed. Welcome to the era of guesture interface.

(a) Oblong Industries
(The g-speak™ platform)
(i) Leap Motion is based in San Francisco.
(video clip)
(ii) Press release: Leap Motion Unveils World’s Most Accurate 3-D Motion Control Technology for Computing. Leap device, sensitive enough to track individual fingertips, available for limited pre-order at just $69.99. Leap Motion, May 21, 2012.
https://live.leapmotion.com/pres ... logy-for-computing/

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