USA Today Snapshot. USA Today, Aug 17, 2012.
"Largest US Hispanic Groups (Share of US Hispanic population by origin in 2010)
Mexicans 65%
Puerto Ricans 9%
Cubans 4%
Salvadorans 4%
Dominicans 3%
Source: Pew Research Center"
Note: The graphic cites
Mark Hugo Lopez and Daniel Dockterman, US Hispanic Country-of-Origin Counts for Nation, Top 30 Metropolitan Areas. Pew Hispanic Center (of Pew Research Center), May 26, 2011
("The data for this report are derived from the 2010 US Census and from the 2009 American Community Survey")
(a) Because the data sources are from US Census Bureau, the data included both legal and illegal immigrants.
(b) The full report actually showed in Table 1 that Mexicans constituted 63.0%, rather than 65%; otherwise percentages of the other top five groups match for USA Today and Pew.
(c) Table 2 of the full report demonstrated that while the ORDER of the top five groups remained the same between 2000 and 2010, NUMBERS of Salvadorans and Dominicans grew by leap and bound (151.7 and 84.9%, respectively), whereas Puerto Ricans increased the least (by 35.7%).
(d) The above full report is heralded by a summary, whose URL is ... adoran-cuban-census |