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Men/Women Percentages in CN and US Higher Education

发表于 2-26-2013 11:39:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
Barbara Demick, China College Admissions Bias Is Testing Girls' Patience; They're beginning to protest universities' acceptance of boys who score lower than they do on the all-important gaokao exam. Los Angeles Times, Feb 20, 2013.
http://www.latimes.com/news/nati ... e-students-20130221,0,3188288.story


"These days, Chinese girls have become victims of their own success. They are scoring higher and higher on standardized tests, prompting universities that want roughly equal gender enrollment to accept less qualified male students.

"In the United States, where test scores are just one element in college admission decisions, girls lag boys on overall SAT scores (largely because of a significant gap in math scores) but get better grades on average. As a result, women account for 57% of college undergraduates. Nonetheless, there have been complaints of discrimination against girls, and some college admission officers have acknowledged that they admit less-qualified boys to avoid having too much of a gender imbalance.

"Girls account for about 46% of Chinese elementary school students (reflecting the higher male birthrate, the preferred gender in the nation) but they account for nearly 51% of college students, according to 2010 data published by the Education Ministry.

(a) The report mentions
(i) "GUO Jianmei, founder and director of the Women's Legal Research and Service Center"

郭 建梅/ 妇女法律研究与服务中心 主任
(ii) "LI Wendao, co-author of the 2010 book 'Save the Boys' and a psychology professor from Beijing's Capital Normal University."

李 文道/ 拯救男孩/ 首都师范大学
(b) Alex Williams, The New Math on Campus. New York Times, Feb 7, 2010
("But at some schools, efforts to balance the numbers have been met with complaints that less-qualified men are being admitted over more-qualified women. In December, the United States Commission on Civil Rights moved to subpoena admissions data from 19 public and private colleges to look at whether they were discriminating against qualified female applicants")

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