(2) http://dinersjournal.blogs.nytim ... 11/front-burner-21/
In the order are:
(a) TO GIVE Outdoor Cooking for the Real Outdoors
(b) TO SAVOR For a Party, a Sushi Treat
(i) "From Kyoto, where the rice is often shaped into a loaf, there is saba sushi, in which the rice is paved with slices of silvery cured mackerel, or saba."
(A) saba 《鯖》 【さば】 (n): "mackerel (esp the chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus)"
(B) In Taiwan, saba魚 is 虱目魚, also known as milkfish or Chanos chanos.
(C) Wetlands. Reading Taiwan 走讀臺灣, undated.
("Dr Lin, Mingnan noticed that Latin Americans call milk fish 'sabador.' Many of the Dutch people that occupied Taiwan in the 17th century spoke Spanish. Maybe that is how come local people call milk fish 'saba.' Another presumption is that the nickname derives from the Pingpu 台灣平地原住民平埔族 language")
(D) Spanish dictionaries do not have the word "sabador."
(E) mackerel
(F) Ad Blankestijn, Saba sushi (Mackerel sushi). July 30, 2011.
http://japanesefooddictionary.bl ... mackerel-sushi.html
* "bō-zushi or 'stick sushi'" 棒 寿司
* Saba Kaidō 鯖街道
柊屋旅館 と 鯖街道. Yokoso Japan, undated.
Of course, the path crosses mountains. View 鯖街道, Sept 20, 2009.
kaidō 街道 【かいどう】 (n): "highway (esp one existing from the Edo period); main road <街道沿いのドライブインで昼食をとった。 We had lunch at a roadside restaurant>"
* Obama, Fukui 福井県 小浜市
(ii) "The saba sushi [is] now sold at Kajitsu, in Murray Hill"
About. Kajitsu, undated
(shōjin cuisine 精進料理; "Kajitsu 嘉日 means 'fine day,' or 'day of celebration' in Japanese. We have chosen the name Kajitsu hoping that a visit here will always be a special occasion for our guests")
Buddhist cuisine
(c) TO CONSIDER Should the French Redifine 'Restaurant'?
(i) English dictionary:
restaurant (n; French, from present participle of restaurer to restore, from Latin restaurare; First Known Use 1819)
(ii) French-English dictionary:
fait maison (adjective masculine/feminine): "homemade"
fait (past participle): "made, done" (Note: fait as noun masculine: "fact")
maison (noun feminine): "home"
(d) TO HEAT He Who Makes the Waffles
"here’s an efficient waffle iron that a dad can call his own, what with the stag’s heads embossed on every crispy cake"
what with. Wiktionary, undated.
http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/what_with |