(2) Adam Williams, Nicaragua Wants a Canal It Can Call Its Own.
(“On June 20, Honduras announced plans to work with a Chinese company on a Atlantic-to-Pacific railroad to boost trade across the Central American isthmus”)
My comment:
(a) summary underneath the title in print: A Chinese billionaire says the project ‘will change the world’
(b) quotation underneath the title in print: ‘We have lots of doubts that this is a serious and viable project’
(c) The preceding statement is made by “Esteban Polidura, a Latin American analyst at Deutsche Bank.”
(d) There is no need to read the rest.
(3) Evan Applegate, Student Debt Explodes.
http://www.businessweek.com/arti ... udent-debt-explodes
My comment: So, like China and Taiwan, US also has had 高等教育擴張. In 1990s, the statistics was that American adults with bachelor’s degree accounted for ~24% of population; nowadays the benchmark is approaching 31%, according to the graphic.
(4) Glen Carey, Saudi Arabia Barricades Its Border, US-Style.
http://www.businessweek.com/arti ... r-u-dot-s-dot-style
(a) summary underneath the title in print: King Abdullah builds towers and hires guards to thwart migrants * * * and ‘protect the kingdom from outside influences’
(b) For the past year, the barrier is built on its southern border with Yemen.
(c) Talking about “US-style,” Israel has that, too.