(1) John Alston, Good Samaritans Save Tourist Who Fell Into Bay in San Francisco. KGO-TV (a ABC's local affiliate), Jan 19, 2014
http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story ... isco&id=9398685
Note: "'The girl fell in the water, they called for help, nobody could swim,' said the rescuer's brother, Jacob Shiansky."
"they"/ "nobody" = Taiwanese
(2) John Alston, Good Samaritan Describes Rescue After Tourist Falls in SF Bay. KGO-TV, Jan 19, 2014
Aaron Shiansky "took off his shoes and jumped. * * * 'I could see from the top of the pier that she was foaming out of the mouth, taking in a lot of water. He [sic; She] was struggling, having difficulty holding her up by himself. So that's when I made the decision to go,; Shiansky said.
"The Coast Guard and the San Francisco Fire Department arrived and performed CPR, which got the woman breathing on her own again.
My comment: There is no need to read the rest of the second report. |