My comment: Some people are self-destructive.
Ralph Ellis and Greg Botelho, CNN Exclusive: Rancher Says He's Not Racist, Still Defiant Over Grazing Battle. CNN, Apr 25, 2014.
"This stance made him a darling of some conservatives in the media and Republican circles upset over what they've deemed government overreach. Militiamen rallied by the side of the 67-year-old rancher as federal rangers tried to force him off his land. Bundy won that standoff, but he didn't stop talking [he had talked about how bad the feds were].
"in comments first reported by The New York Times and later seen on video [also in]. [Bundy said,] 'They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I've often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn't get no more freedom. They got less freedom.'
"On Thursday [Apr 24, 2014], in an exclusive interview with CNN's Bill Weir, Bundy was asked to elaborate on his remarks. * * * Weir at one point challenged the Nevada rancher about whether he was any more or less a 'welfare queen' since his cattle have been feeding off the government, literally, by eating grass on public land. Bundy's response: 'I might be a welfare queen. But I'll tell you I'm producing something for America and using a resource that nobody else would use or could use. I'm putting red meat on the table.' |