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Is Placenta Edible?

发表于 10-27-2010 07:17:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

(1) A Chinese says, "大多中国来的产妇有吃自己胎盘的习惯."

(2) Well, this is the first time I hear that. Nobody in Taiwan eat it (and
that Chinese-medicine pharmacy in Taiwan might sell it is also unheard of).

(3) Come on. We are not animals which do eat placenta.

(4) However, web search just now find
(a) placenta recipe,* and
(b) How to Take the Placenta Home. From eHow.

If a mother insists in taking possession of her placenta, it is easy:
deliver te baby at home.

* From Here to Maternity Week 8: Want a side of placenta with that? Anne's
Pregnancy Journal, undated.

(5) Well, let me tell you: this idea of eating placenta never came to my
mind, although I am very imaginative. I am a biologist by training. Under
microscope, placenta contains no meat but many cells and connective tissues
結締組織. I doubt it has nutritious value.


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 楼主| 发表于 10-27-2010 07:17:33 | 只看该作者

Is Placenta Edible?


(1) A Chinese says, "大多中国来的产妇有吃自己胎盘的习惯."

(2) Well, this is the first time I hear that. Nobody in Taiwan eat it (and
that Chinese-medicine pharmacy in Taiwan might sell it is also unheard of).

(3) Come on. We are not animals which do eat placenta.

(4) However, web search just now find
(a) placenta recipe,* and
(b) How to Take the Placenta Home. From eHow.

If a mother insists in taking possession of her placenta, it is easy:
deliver te baby at home.

* From Here to Maternity Week 8: Want a side of placenta with that? Anne's
Pregnancy Journal, undated.

(5) Well, let me tell you: this idea of eating placenta never came to my
mind, although I am very imaginative. I am a biologist by training. Under
microscope, placenta contains no meat but many cells and connective tissues
結締組織. I doubt it has nutritious value.

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