BBC Chinese, Aug 28, 2015 ... an_hatano_easy_card
, which is translated from
Taiwan Metro Cards to Show Japan Porn Star Yui Hatano. BBC, Aug 28, 2015.
("The image on the card is not pornographic. Ms Hatano said she should be allowed to contribute to society. 'Just because I am an adult video porn star... does it mean that I cannot pay a debt of gratitude to my beloved Taiwan?' she said, in a statement quoted by the Focus Taiwan news website")
(a) I spend five hours on this posting.
(b) Yui HATANO 波多野 結衣 はたの ゆい
(i) The "ha" and "nami" are Chinese and Japanese pronunciation of the kanji 波.
(ii) The kanji 多 has only Chinese pronunciation (and no Japanese one): ta.
(iii) The female given name in Japan Yui can be represented by 由衣, 結衣, hiragana or katakana.
Sure, from the viewpoint of Chinese language, neither 由衣 nor 結衣 makes sense. You have to understand some Japanese names had sounds first which then looked for kanji representation -- not unlike transliteration of Johnson or London into Chinese.
(iv) The Chinese and Japanese pronunciation of 結 is "ketsu" and "yu," respectively.
(v) For the Japanese of 結:
* yu-u 結う 【ゆう(P); いう】 (v): "to do up (hair)"
* The verb's corresponding noun is yu-i, as in
kami-yu-i 髪結い; 髪結 【かみゆい; かみい(髪結)】 (n): "hairdresser; hairdressing"
(c) 悠遊卡股份有限公司 EasyCard Corp (a civilian company, based in Taipei) had a press release on Aug 27, 2015 that “此次照片爭議經釐清之後,照片版權完全合法,非侵權照片,但波多野結衣小姐之經紀公司所提供之天使版照片,經確認亦同時使用於其他產品。波多野結衣小姐並未代言悠遊卡,僅授權照片給悠遊卡公司做為公益悠遊卡製卡及銷售之用。”
(d) 游凱翔, 波多野結衣「台湾に恩返しできないの?」=自身起用のICカード物議に反応. 中央社, Aug 27, 2015
(“騒ぎを受け、波多野は台湾のファンに感謝を示し、少しでも恩返しできればと思い依頼を受けたことを説明。仕事柄、反対の意見を持つ人がいることも承知して いるとした上で「私がAV女優であるため、善意あるイベントに協力し、貢献できないのでしょうか。大好きな台湾の皆様に、恩返しはできないのでしょうか」 と複雑な心のうちをつづった”)
(i) translation: In response to the flap/ uproar 騒ぎ, Hatano shows gratitude to fans in Taiwan, and explains, in response to requests, [her] thought that if only she could repay, however little, the debt [to Taiwan; I am clueless as to what debt, or whether she was being polite]. After she acknowledges people who are against her due to her work, she states, “Just because I am a porn star, I can not collaborate in a goodwill event? Can’t I repay my debt to everybody in my beloved Taiwan?” she expressed her complicated thinking in the deep of her heart.
(ii) Japanese English dictionary:
* irai 依頼 (n, v) has two definitions in JAPAN: request and dependence. The first definition is absent in Chinese language.
* shi-goto-gara 仕事柄 【しごとがら】 (n): "for work; work-related"
^ shigoto 仕事 【しごと】 (n,v): "work; job"
^ gara 柄 【がら】 (n): "(3) essential qualities; character; nature; (4) (n-suf[fix]) appropriate to; fitting of; suitable for"
(Naturally, it also means a "handle" in Japan.)
* ~した上で: afterした上で
* 心のうちをつづる (or 心の中/ 内を綴る) : express [her] mind
^ uchi 内(P); 中 【うち】 (n): "inside"
^ tsuzuru 綴る 【つづる】 (v): "(1) to spell; (2) to compose; to frame; to write; (3) to bind together"
* aku-ma 悪魔 【あくま】(n)
* tenshi 天使 【てんし】(n)
* icha-icha いちゃいちゃ (adv,n,v): “flirt; make out” (katakana: イチャイチャ)
* naka-dashi 中出し 【なかだし】 (n,v): "(See 外出し) intravaginal (anal, etc) ejaculation"
* dōsei 同棲 【どうせい】 (n,v): "(See 同居) cohabitation (usu. of a romantically involved couple); living together"
(iii) Only 中央社 reports her comment. Hatano’s twitter does not mention anything about this topic.
(e) The photo at issue is the front of the video jacket of
波多野結衣とイチャイチャ中出し同棲生活. プレミアム (studio name, which is “Premium” in English), July 7, 2014. ... %E6%B4%BB%E3%80%82/ |