Management theory | Blighting the Horizon. Economist, Aug 29, 2015
(book review on Gillian Tett, The Silo Effect; The peril of expertise and the promise of breaking down barriers. Simon & Schuster, 2015)
(a) Regarding the “silo” in the book title.
(i) silo (n): "system, process, department, etc. that operates in isolation from others <it’s vital that team members step out of their silos and start working together>"
(ii) I have not seen this use / definition of silo before. The online Meriam-Webster dictionary does not have this definition. So I suspect this is British thing.
(b) “Lest this seem woolly, Ms Tett devotes another chapter to showing how silo-busting has created profitable trading opportunities for hedge funds that ignore the usual distinction between debt and equity analysis.”
(i) woolly (adj): “not clear[:] MAINLY UK [connotation:] DISAPPROVING[;] Woolly ideas and thinking are confused and not clear, and have not been considered carefully enough”
(ii) Why? I fail to find the origin of this definition.
(iii) However, the following is good enough.
woolly (adj): "4: fuzzy; unclear; disorganized"
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