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Obituary: Elsie Tu

发表于 1-12-2016 15:56:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-12-2016 17:16 编辑

From Missionary to Firebrand; Elsie Tu, campaigner for the people of Hong Kong, died on December 8th, aged 102. Economist, Jan 2, 2016.
http://www.economist.com/news/ob ... -kong-died-december

(a) "HAD you visited the squatter slums of Kai Tak in Kowloon, Hong Kong, in the 1950s [you might have met] a prim Englishwoman * * * her flowered dress suitable for Cheltenham"
(A) Kai Tak Airport  啟德機場 (1925 - 1998; "The story of Kai Tak started in 1922 when two businessmen HO Kai 何啟 [born 何神啟] and AU Tak 區德 formed the Kai Tak Investment Company to reclaim land in Kowloon for development.[5] The land was acquired by the government for use as an airfield after the business plan failed”)  en.wikipedia.org
(B) 區姓
("音同 '歐。' 人口以廣東為多")
(ii) For location of 啟德, consult the map in 啟德機場
(section 2.1 地理環境)
(iii) Th slum at issue is 九龍寨城 Kowloon Walled City (1847-1993).
(A) Cheltenham
(in Gloucestershire, England; home of the flagship race of British steeplechase horse racing; Cheltenham takes its name from the small River Chelt)
(B) For pronunciation, see Cheltenham

(b) "Her name then was Elsie Elliott [first husband Bill Elliott]. Later she was Elsie Tu. * * * in 1985, married—a Chinese patriot from Inner Mongolia, Tu Hsueh-kwei"
(i) Elsie Tu  杜葉錫恩  (born Elsie Hume in Newcastle upon Tyne)  en.wikipedia.org
(ii) For Elsie, see Elizabeth (given name)
(section 3 Name variants, section 3.3 First half: Elsie (English) )

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 楼主| 发表于 1-12-2016 15:56:44 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-12-2016 17:48 编辑

(c) "She had arrived in the colony in 1951 as a meek missionary’s wife from the north of England, ready to support her husband, Bill Elliott, in the saving of souls. The merry notes of her piano accordion rang out then over the huts of Kai Tak, inviting everyone to be washed in the blood of the Lamb. Otherwise she made no noise, for women in the Plymouth Brethren were consigned to silence."
(i) The Castle Garth & Castle Keep. Old Newcastle, undated


"From the mid 2nd century the Roman fort of Pons Aelius stood here guarding the river crossing below until the beginning of the 5th century when Roman rule collapsed. The name Pons Aelius refers to the Roman name for bridge (pons) and the Emperor Hadrian whose family name was Aelius.

"The 'New Castle' (which gave the town its name) was founded in 1080 by the eldest son of William the Conqueror, Robert Curthose and built using earth and timber.

(ii) English dictionary:
* garth (n): "a small yard or enclosure"
* keep (n): "one that keeps or protects: as * * * the strongest and securest part of a medieval castle"
(iii) "Plymouth Brethren, community of Christians whose first congregation was established in Plymouth, Devon, England, in 1831. The movement originated in Ireland and England a few years earlier"  Encyclopaedia Britannica

(d) "The poor Chinese who wandered into her tiny church had boils from malnutrition * * * in 1954 she set up Mu Kuang Middle School, which grew from a 30-desk army tent, flapping in winds and summer downpours, to a seven-storey block with 1,300 pupils by 2015."
(i) boil (disambiguation)
(A boil is a localized accumulation of pus in the skin, resulting from infection of the hair follicle)
(ii) Mu Kuang Middle School 慕光中學, which in 1957 had a name change, to Mu Kuang English School 慕光英文書院

(e) "The authorities themselves, in the governor’s office and on the Legislative Council 立法會 (where she also sat, from 1988 to 1995), were less certain what to make of her. She had no stated ideology, beyond 'justice for the people' * * * she fell in love with—and, in 1985, married—a Chinese patriot from Inner Mongolia, Tu Hsueh-kwei 杜学魁."
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