Lucas Tomlinson and Yonat Friling, Chinese Fighter Jets Seen on Contested South China Sea Island, Evidence of Beijing's Latest Bold Move. Fox News, Apr 12, 2016. ... ther-bold-move.html
" new satellite imagery provided exclusively to Fox News * * * Satellite imagery from ImageSat International (ISI) taken on April 7 and authenticated by US defense officials Tuesday show two Chinese Shenyang J-11 fighter jets on Woody Island.
"Woody Island 永兴岛 is the largest island in the Paracel chain of islands 西沙群岛 in the South China Sea. The Chinese installed a runway there in the early 1990s. It lies 250 miles southeast of a major Chinese submarine base on Hainan Island.
"The satellite photos also show a newly installed fire control radar system on Woody Island, which makes China’s surface-to-air missile launchers first deployed in February fully operational. The U.S. military is concerned the new radar allows China to track U.S. fighter jets, bombers and intelligence gathering aircraft keeping an eye on the Chinese military. The photos from ImageSat International show four of the eight surface-to-air missiles ready to fire on the eastern side of Woody Island.
My comment: Please do view a satellite photo that comes with the report, but skip the rest, because the quotation is the only new findings. |