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台灣民意基金會 民調

发表于 5-27-2016 12:02:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 民調:近7成滿意蔡英文施政 逾8成自認台灣人. Liberty Times, May 27, 2016 (breaking news).

My comment:
(a) Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation 台灣民意基金會 does not have its own website (I just did an exhaustive search). So only news reports are available; especially in view of the photo in this Liberty Times report, which shows a press conference.
(b) "最後是政黨認同,在國民黨和民進黨「哪一個政黨的理念與主張和您比較接近?」的問題上,強烈民進黨人(深綠)有15.9%,溫和的民進黨人(淺綠)是33.4%,至於中性選民則為31.5%;強烈國民黨(深藍)僅3.1%,溫和國民黨(淺藍)是13.5%,2.6%不知道。"

This is what I personally consider the most important finding, that KMT supporters are a minority in Taiwan nowadays.

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 楼主| 发表于 5-27-2016 12:03:13 | 只看该作者
(2) On the same opinion poll, Central News Agency (CNA) has this to say:

Yu Hsiao-han and Lilian Wu, Over Half of Taiwanese Favor Independence: Poll. CNA, May 27, 2016.


(a) "In terms of party affiliation, 49.3 percent of Taiwanese identify with the ruling Democratic Progressive Party, 16.6 percent with the Kuomintang and 31.5 percent see themselves as swing voters.

"The foundation, which was inaugurated in April, is chaired by You Ying-lung ( 游盈隆), a scholar and former deputy secretary general of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

"The survey, conducted May 23-24, collected 1,089 effective samples and had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.97 percentage points.
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