(a) 芮成钢案传将过堂 疑大事化小小事化了轻判走过场. 法广, Sept 9, 2016
, which literally copy from the following (but it does cite the following -- and thus is not plagiarism) but gives a better title.
苏米, 传芮成钢获 '特殊待遇' 下旬开审. 多维新闻, Sept 6, 2016.
(b) 杨一帆, 芮成钢案蹊跷怪异 传办案人是杜青林外甥. 大纪元, Sept 8, 2016.
www.epochtimes.com/gb/16/9/7/n8277255.htm(citing 海外《明镜邮报》9月7日)
(2) 严严, '虚实之间' 的芮成钢. 德国之声, Apr 13, 2016.
www.dw.com/zh/虚实之间的芮成钢/a-19183226 |