本帖最后由 choi 于 9-24-2018 16:38 编辑
(2) Mike Yeo, Taiwan Fighter Jets Get New Electronic Warfare Capabilities in Latest Upgrade. Defense News, Dec 21, 2017.
https://www.defensenews.com/air/ ... -in-latest-upgrade/
(a) This report is about IDC F-CK-1 Ching-kuo 經國號戰機, "commonly known as the Indigenous Defense Fighter (IDF)." en.wikipedia.org. The state-owned Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) 漢翔航空工業股份有限公司 is the manufacturer (production for A/B 1990-2000: Wikipedia).
(b) However, its did have two paragraphs about Mirage.
(c) For year I have failed to find out how the fighter got its name "F-CK."
(i) One way to euphemize fuck is "f-ck." See
Harold Hutchison, How Enemy Aircraft Get Their American Nicknames. We Are the Mighty (name of the website), Feb 14, 2018
https://www.wearethemighty.com/h ... -american-nicknames
("when we're talking Chinese or Russian aircraft, they've got some odd-sounding names. Fishbed, Flanker, Backfire, Bear, Badger… you may be wondering, 'how the f*ck did they get that name?' ")
When it was republished the next day with consent, it became:
https://www.wearethemighty.com/h ... -american-nicknames
("when we're talking Chinese or Russian aircraft, they've got some odd-sounding names. Fishbed, Flanker, Backfire, Bear, Badger… you may be wondering, 'how the f-ck did they get that name?' ")
(A) A Flanker fighter is Sukhoil Su-27.
In American football, a flanker is also called a wide receiver. See American football positions
(B) Fishbed was for Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21. Its definition is:
(A) I finally discover what F-CK stands for. See ZHAO Yi, F-CK-1 Ching Kuo & B-52 Stratofortress. STEAM, May 20, 2017
("Trivia[:] * * * F-CK-1 Ching Kuo meaning 'Fighter, Ching Kuo-1' and Ching Kuo name from Taiwan president")
(B) That does not stop the misuse -- or abuse. See Joseph Trevithick, That One Time Lockheed Hated on the Taiwanese Air Force. War Is Boring, Mar 7, 2015
https://medium.com/war-is-boring ... -force-321bb2ac778e
("In 1984, Taiwan's Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation started developing the Ching-kuos after Washington refused to sell the more powerful American fighters. As a small consolation, American defense contractors helped design the aircraft, also known as the Indigenous Defense Fighter or IDF. The resulting F-CK-1s don't have the F-16's range and can't carry as much weaponry. The Ching-Kuos have two engines—modified civilian designs—that don't produce as much thrust as the [F-16] Falcon's single jet motor. 'Its name says it all,' Lockheed chided, referring to the the F-CK. 'This could best be described as the best aircraft the US State Department ever designed' ")
(d) Tim Hepher, Airbus Ordered to Pay 104 Million Euros to Settle Taiwan Missile Dispute. Reuters,
http://www.yilubbs.com/forum.php ... ewthread&fid=61
(in an arbitration; mentioned Taiwan's fining three French companies earlier)
There is no news reports about follow-up of either event.