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Marine Radar

发表于 5-1-2019 16:22:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(a) marine radar
(are X band or S band [both of which are microwave] radars on ships)
(b) Shilavadra Bhattacharjee, Marine Radars and Their Use in the Shipping Industry. Marine Insight, last updated Feb 22, 2019
https://www.marineinsight.com/ma ... -shipping-industry/
("The marine radar is classified under the x-band (10 GHz) or S-band (3GHz) frequencies. The x-band, being of higher frequency is used for a sharper image and better resolution whereas the S-band is used especially when in rain or fog as well as for identification and tracking")

The s-band radars are somewhat larger (in dimension) than x-band ones, and therefore less desirable in a ship (which does not have much space). There will be no discussion of x- or s-band thereafter.

(2) What is military/ scientific term for marine radar?
(a) Chapter 1 Basic Radar Principles and General Characteristics. in Radar Navigation and Maneuvering Board Manual (Pub. 1310). Marine Safety Information (MSI), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), US Department of Defense, 2001,
https://msi.nga.mil/MSISiteConte ... PUBS/RNM/310ch1.pdf
https://www.sliderulemuseum.com/ ... ringBoardManual.pdf


"The pulses of r-f [radio-frequency] energy emitted from the feedhorn at the focal point of a reflector or emitted and radiated directly from the slots of a slotted waveguide antenna would, for the most part, form a single lobe-shaped pattern of radiation if emitted in free space. Figure 1.2 illustrates this free space radiation pattern, including the undesirable minor lobes or SIDE LOBES associated with practical antenna design." page 4 (thn proceeding to view "Figure 1.14 A basic radar system" at page 19 for both "Reflector" and "Feedhorn" in the left upper corner).

"The slotted waveguide antenna has largely eliminated the side-lobe problem."  page 5.

"Figure 1.16 illustrates a SLOTTED WAVEGUIDE ANTENNA and notice that there is no reflector or feedhorn. The last few feet of the waveguide is constructed so that it can be rotated in the horizontal plane. The forward and narrower face of the rotatable waveguide section contains a series of slots from which the r-f energy is emitted to form a narrow radar beam. Returning echoes also pass through these slots and then pass through the waveguide to the receiver."  page 20,

"Side-lobe effects are readily recognized in that they produce a series of echoes on each side of the main lobe echo at the same range as the latter. Semi-circles or even complete circles may be produced. Because of the low energy of the side-lobes, these effects will normally occur only at the shorter ranges. The effects may be minimized or eliminated through use of the gain
and anticlutter controls. Slotted wave guide [sic] antennas have largely eliminated the side-lobe problem."  page 153 (in Chapter 4 Radar navigation).

* There is no need to read the rest of text.
(b) The en.wikipedia.org has a page for "slot antenna" and another for "slotted waveguide." The latter refers to the horizontal tube, part of the slot radar.

slotted waveguide
(is a waveguide; A slotted waveguide has no reflector but emits directly through the slots)

In this Wiki page, you
(i) see a photo of a boat whose center is highlighted (brighter); and
(ii) a man shoulder a slotted waveguide (without the rest of a slot radar). Note the slots are longitudinal (parallel to the axis of the waveguide), which is occasionally described as horizontal (because waveguide is mounted horizontally on a boat).  The slots may also be transverse (perpendicular to the axis of waveguide; also known as vertical) or inclined (slot like slash: /); both of which are called non-longitudinal and rare (due to disadvantages compared with longitudinal ones).


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 楼主| 发表于 5-1-2019 16:29:28 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 choi 于 5-4-2019 10:26 编辑

(3) To understand physics underlying slotted waveguide, one starts with three areas of physics -- (a) to (c), which will be united at (4).
(a) double-slit experiment
(was first performed with light by [Englishman] Thomas Young in 1801; section 1 Overview: " * * * when this 'single-slit experiment' is actually performed, the pattern on the screen is a diffraction [different from refraction] pattern in which the light is spread out. The smaller the slit [ie, the shorter], the greater the angle of spread. The top portion of the image shows the central portion of the pattern formed when a red laser illuminates a slit and, if one looks carefully, two faint side bands [end on end, not side by side]")
(i) Below the photo of the single slit experiment is the double-slit one. Please understand that in the latter the central -- and the brightest -- (horizontal) line is flanked by the fainter ones both above and below. Indeed the one line right above and the line right below are created by the light passing THROUGH the two slits (without diffraction). The brightest line is positioned in the MIDDLE (which should not be there if photon is nothing but a particle, not wave also) is of these two afore-mentioned line.

Because a slit has four edges, each in theory should diffract. So there should be faint line on both SIDES also.   
(ii) From double-slit experiment, you intuitively know immediately that in slotted waveguide, the radiation pattern (or electric field; with which a radar both emits and receives electromagnetic wave) is decided by orientation of slots, rather  than of the waveguide (one which the slots lie).
(iii) Slits - Diffraction Effects. Undated.
(iv) A slotted waveguide with a series (or an array) of transverse slots are akin to an expanded version (ie, with more than two slits) of double-slit experiment -- except that a waveguide is not exactly the same as Thomas Young's setup, because the source of electromagnetic radiation is vastly different. See (5) below.
(i) dipole
(In electromagnetism, there are two kinds of dipoles: an electric dipole and magnetic dipole)
(A) The third figure shows "electric field lines" of an electric dipole.
(B) The online Merriam-Webster dictionary says for dipole, its first known use was in 1912 as International Scientific Vocabulary.
(ii) dipole antenna
"is the simplest" antenna which can elucidate more complicated antenna.
(A) Please view the animation depicting "[a] half-wave dipole antenna." Take notice that the electric field (E) is perpendicular to the dipole.
(B) In section 3 Dipole characteristics, section 3.2 Radiation pattern and gain, one can see the radiation pattern (or electric field) of a "vertical" (or upright) dipole. The "radiation pattern" is just extension of the preceding (A).
(A) Radiation pattern of a radar means its electric field E.

Antenna Characteristics.
http://www.waves.utoronto.ca/pro ... /06-antennachar.pdf
(first 2 paragraphs: "The radiation pattern of an antenna is a graphical representation of the radiation properties of the antenna. Graphically, we surround the antenna by a sphere and evaluate the electric / magnetic fields (far field radiation fields) at a distance equal to the radius of the sphere.  Usually we will focus on one field component (Eff or Hff ) radiated by the antenna. Usually we plot the dominant component of the E-field (eg Eθ for a dipole). This can be done by plotting the field component over all angles (θ, φ), yielding a 3D plot. For a dipole, this leads to the doughnut pattern in 3D because of the dependence of Eθ on sin θ")

Antenna Characteristics. In course "ECE422 Radio and Microwave Wireless Systems" by Professor Sean Victor HUM, University of Toronto, undated
(B) In a moment, magnetic field of a electromagnetic wave (of a radar) will be mentioned briefly. Why is it represented by letter H, not M? It started with James Clerk Maxwell, whose used vectors A to H.

Lindsay Guilmette, The History of Maxwell's Equations. Fairfield, Connecticut: Sacred Heart University, 2012
https://digitalcommons.sacredhea ... p;context=wac_prize
("Maxwell translated Faraday's ideas into mathematics. Maxwell created vectors to describe the main players of electromagnetism: 'E, the electric field intensity, H, the magnetic field intensity, B, the magnetic flux density, and I the electric current density. E and H are forces and B and I are fluxes (lines of force) produced by the forces' (Peters, 2000, p. 9). A way to picture flux is to imagine having a square loop of wire in a flowing river. The flux of the velocity of the water would be like considering how much water will flow through the loop. The flux of an electric field is proportional to the number of electric field lines that go through such a loop (Sciolla, 2004)" )
(i) Babinet's principle
(was formulated in the 1800s by French physicist Jacques Babinet; section 1 Explanation: " * * * Diffraction patterns from apertures or bodies of known size and shape are compared with the pattern from the object to be measured. For instance, the size of red blood cells can be found by comparing their diffraction pattern with an array of small holes")
(A) There is no need to read the rest. This Wiki page is not well written, so much so that I did not understand it after reading it many times. See (ii) for enlightenment.
(B) The sentence in section 1 Explanation is not an explanation, but points t clinical use, to decide size of red blood cells.
(ii) Anshul Kogar, Diffraction, Babinet and Optical Transforms. This Condensed Life (name of Jogar;s blog), May 21, 2016
https://thiscondensedlife.wordpr ... optical-transforms/
("To get an idea of what this means, let's look at an example")

As you can see, the center of slotted waveguide -- whether slot array is linear (but definitely not in a straight line) or symmetrical (arranged as a circle, see, eg,
Slotted Array Antenna. Sylatech, undated
or a square or a rectangle) -- is brightest (and therefore the longest reach of electric field/ radiation pattern).
(iii) Babinet's principle. But why?

Jessie Segal and Alyssa Cedarman (two undergraduates under then associate professor Dan MacIsaac),  Diffraction with Hair or Wire. Buffalo State College (part of SUNY), undated
("This is a variation of Young's Double Slit, in which light goes through two thin, parallel slits. When light goes through, the light will diffract, or 'bend.' When light touches the edges of the slit, it is treated as a new source of light, as described by Huygen's Principle")

Take notice that, depending on the distance of the screen from the "opaque body,' (quoting Babinet's principle), the area directly behind the opaque body may be the brightest.

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 楼主| 发表于 5-1-2019 16:29:42 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 choi 于 5-4-2019 10:31 编辑

(4) Paul Wade, Chapter 7 Slot Antennas. July 8, 2001, at page 1-2
("7.1 Slots and Dipoles[:] * * * the slot will have the same radiation pattern as a dipole with the same dimensions as the slot, except that the E- and H-fields are swapped, as illustrated in Figure 7-3 — the slot is a magnetic dipole rather than an electric dipole. As a result, the polarization is rotated 90º, so that radiation from a vertical slot is polarized horizontally. For instance, a vertical slot has the same pattern as a horizontal dipole of the same dimensions — and we are able to calculate the radiation pattern of a dipole. Thus, a longitudinal slot in the broad wall of a waveguide radiates just like a dipole perpendicular to the slot")
(a) The right panel of Figure 7-3 shows a dipole antenna looking from directly above (or below), with current line represented as a circle.
(b) Chapter 7 Slot Antennas.. In Paul Wade, The W1GHZ Online Microwave Antenna Book. copyright 1994-2006.

(5) slit module:
(a) module (n; Latin [noun masculine; diminutive of modus measure] modulus [a small measure] ):
"any [which is not necessarily identical to one another] in a series of standardized units for use together"

Slot module discusses an individual slot.
(i) Slotted Waveguide Antennas. Antenna-Theory.com, undated.

Read the second half starting from the sentence: "Radiation occurs when the currents must 'go around' the slots in order to continue on their desired direction."
(ii) Roland A Gilbert (BAE Systems, Inc), Chapter 9 Waveguide Antenna Arrays.
ftp://doc.nit.ac.ir/cee/communic ... 071546855_ar009.pdf
(A) Read caption of Figure 9-1 only.
(B) Roland A Gilbert, Chapter 9 Waveguide Antenna Arrays. In John L Volakis (ed), Antenna Engineering Handbook. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2007.
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