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京都市 嵐山竹林

发表于 1-30-2021 08:05:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-30-2021 12:47 编辑

Monica Buchanan Pitrelli, The Internet Raves About Japan's Famous Bamboo Forest. Here's What It Really Looks Like. CNBC, Jan 29, 2021 (the author is CNBC's "Global Traveler," which is also the heading of this article).
https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/29/ ... lly-looks-like.html

My comment:
(i) According to Oxford online dictionary (Lexico.com), traveler is American spelling, whereas traveller, British.
(ii) Only view photos.

(b) "Located on the outskirts of Kyoto, Arashiyama Bamboo Grove [嵐山竹林] — or Sagano Bamboo Forest [嵯峨野竹林], as it's also called — is Japan's most famous bamboo forest. It’s believed to be one of the most photographed places in Kyoto"
(i) Arashiyama  嵐山
("[English:] Storm Mountain) is a district [at 京都市右京区] on the western outskirts of Kyoto, Japan. It also refers to the mountain across the Ōi River [大堰川, which is a tributary of another river], which forms a backdrop to the district. Arashiyama is a nationally designated Historic Site and Place of Scenic Beauty")
(A) 京都市
(section 2 地理, section 2.3 地域, section 2.3.1 行政区: One can see 右京区 on the west and 左京区 on the east. Why?
(B) Ukyō-ku, Kyoto  京都市右京区
("The meaning of ukyō (右京) is 'on the Emperor's right.' When residing in the Kyoto Imperial Palace the emperor would sit facing south, thus the western direction would be to his right")
(A) Bamboo Forest (Kyoto, Japan)
("The forest consists mostly of Mōsō Bamboo [kanji: 孟宗 (竹); Chinese: 毛竹](Phyllostachys eduli")
(B) The Japanese Wikipedia explains: "種名は冬に母のために寒中筍を掘り採った三国時代の呉の人物、孟宗にちなむ。種名は冬に母のために寒中筍を掘り採った三国時代の呉の人物、孟宗にちなむ。"
my rough translation: The species name [in kanji] is derived from 孟宗 ([孟 being the surname]. 三国時代の呉の人物 who for the sake of his mother picked bamboo shoots in mid-winter.

Chinese Wikipedia says of him, "三国時期孫吴後期重臣 * * * 孟宗是中国古代著名孝子,《二十四孝》中的「哭竹生筍」就是关於他的故事。"
(iii)  Japanese-English dictionary:
* arashi 嵐 【あらし】 (n): "(1) storm; tempest; (n) (2) (id[iomatic expression]) uproar; hullabaloo; storm (eg of protest)  <この風は嵐の印 [meaning 'sign, mark']だ。 This wind is a sign of a storm>"
    ^ Compare : Meaning in Chinese not the same. See 康熙字典: "山氣烝潤"  (hence its English translation from CHINESE): "haze, mist"
(iv) Sagano  嵯峨野
("京都府京都市右京区の地名。 * * * 単に「嵯峨(さが)」と呼称される事もある。ただし、観光地としての「嵯峨(野)」は嵐山から小倉山に沿った社寺の立ち並ぶ地域(概ね車折神社より西側)を指す。平安京の西方の郊外になることから別名 * * * 地名の由来については坂あるいは険し(さがし)などの地形に由来するという説と中国西安(長安)郊外の「巀嶭山(さつがつさん)」を「嵯峨山」とも書いたからだという説がある")

my rough translation: place name in 京都市右京区 * * * simplified as Saga 嵯峨. But as sight-seeing area (観光地), 嵯峨野 spans from 嵐山 along 小倉山 where (Buddhist) temple and (Shinto) shrines cluster. Generally it means western fringe of Kyoto. * * * The origin of the place name comes from the adjective 険し (pronounced sagashi and meaning precipitous) terrain 地形, in addition to two other theories: 中国西安(長安)郊外の「巀嶭山([Japanese pronunciation: satsu-gatsu-san'/ pinyin jié niè])」 has an alternate name 嵯峨山.

(b) "The internet is replete with photos of the paved walkway that runs through the 6 square mile grove. These photos are eerily similar, saturated with brilliant shades of greens and golds"


嵐山 is famed for autumn leaves, of deciduous trees (which turn orange or red).

"Bamboo is an evergreen plant. All evergreen plants lose their leaves, but they don't lose them all at once like their deciduous friends. Some yellowing bamboo leaves and dropping bamboo leaves are normal processes throughout the year." from the Web.

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