(1) Andrew Batson, Not Really 'Made in China;' The iPhone's Complex Supply
Chain Highlights Problems With Trade Statistics. Wall Street Journal, Dec.
16, 2010. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704828104576021142902413796.html
My comment: In the last illustration--which is the only illustration in the
print--the second last line should be "due to rounding" instead of "do to
(2) Christopher Lawton, Phone Makers Shift Focus; Under Pressure From Apple,
Rivals Cut Prices to Target Midrange of Market. Wall Street Journal, Dec.
15, 2010. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703727804576017564120922734.html
"Nokia saw its global smartphone share slip to 32.7% in the third quarter
from 38.3% a year ago, according to research firm IDC. RIM, whose share fell
to 15.3%, lost its second-place spot in the quarter to Apple, whose market
share remained at 17%, despite selling nearly double the number of
smartphones from a year earlier.
"Android-based phones are also gaining ground. According to Gartner Inc.,
Android smartphones accounted for more than 25% of smartphone sales in the
third quarter.