Japan, Taiwan makers eye DRAM tie-up / Elpida, 2 firms could be world's 2nd
largest. Yomiusri, Dec. 26, 2010.
My comment:
(1) Early this year, DRAM price shot up, saving the DRAM industry of Taiwan.
Lately, however, DRAM prices dropped again, causing MIcron of US to reduce profit by a quarter--and Taiwanese DRAM in dire strait (their market share worldwide have shrunk dramatically). The latter may be desperate.
(2) On Dec. 14, my posting included the following item.
"Don Clark and Juro Osawa, Power Blip Jolts Supply of Gadget Chips. Wall
Street Journal, Dec. 10, 2010.
My comment: Just take a look at the color graphic. Taiwan is unable to make
NAND flash."
(3) What about Elpida of ajpan? Elpida just tried its hand on Nand.
Mark LaPedus, Will Elpida shake up NAND market? EETimes, Sept. 2, 2010.
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