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Defense Secretary Talks to Media on Tarmac

发表于 1-9-2011 08:45:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Transcript: Media Availability with Secretary Gates en route to Beijing, China from Andrews Air Force Base. Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs), US DEpartment of Defense.


(a) China alleged intention to buy
           "Q:  Mr. Secretary, would you consider the sale of U.S. helicopters – non-military variety of helicopters to China if they asked?

            "SECRETARY GATES:  That’s the first I’ve ever heard of it, so I would have to –

            "Q:  They’ve said they want to buy certain kinds of dual-use helicopters – (inaudible).

           "SECRETARY GATES:  I’d have to look at it.  I just – I don’t want to answer just off the top of my head.

(b) J-20

           "Q:  Secretary, considering the revelations recently about the new ballistic missile that the Chinese are developing faster than American – the U.S. intelligence thought and the stealth fighter photos which have come out, does this – first of all, does this lend any additional urgency to your visit?  Are you particularly concerned about that?  And secondly, are you doing anything to address the possible – or checking to possible intelligence lapses that allowed them to get further than expected?

           "SECRETARY GATES:  Well, I think, first of all, we’ve been watching these developments all along.  I’ve been concerned about the development of the anti-ship cruise and ballistic missiles ever since I took this job.  I would – we knew they were working on a stealth aircraft.  I think that what we’ve seen is that they may be somewhat further ahead in the development of that aircraft than our intelligence had earlier predicted.
* * *
           "Q:  Let me just clarify what you said.  You said the intel on the stealth fighter was – that they were (moving ?)ahead of that, faster than you thought?

           "SECRETARY GATES:  Somewhat.
* * *
           "Q:  Do you believe that this stealth fighter once and for all.  There’s a lot of talk about whether or not it actually is a stealth – (fighter ?).

            "SECRETARY GATES:  I think there is some question about just how stealthy.

(c) DF-21D

           "SECRETARY GATES:  Well, I don’t want to talk about hypothetical military situations.  I would say that – if I understood the first question correctly about whether the anti-ship missiles are operational at this point – is that the question?

           "MR. MORRELL:  Yes.

           "SECRETARY GATES:  I think that the development has proceeded fairly – I think they’re fairly far along, but whether it’s actually reached IOC or not, I just don’t know.

My comment:
(a) IOC: Initial Operating Capability
(b) Two news reports based on this interview, neither of which is worth reading:
(i) 裴新, 盖茨:美国采取行动抗衡中国军力发展. VOA Chinese, Jan. 9, 2011.

I simply disagree with wording "投入现役." That is not what Admiral Willard said (he used the word "operational").

* A related report does not say much, except the title.
盖茨防长访华似遇“下马威.” VOA Chinese, Jan. 9, 2011.

(ii) John Pomfret, Defense Secretary Gates: U.S. underestimated parts of China's military modernization. Washington Post, Jan. 9, 2011.


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