I gave the topic further thought. I do not know much about international scens around the time. But it seemed to me that UK would not be eager to pick a fight with the union government of the United States.
(1) population:
(a) 1860 United States Census
(US population "31,443,321 — an increase of 35.4 percent over the 23,191,875 persons enumerated during the 1850 Census. The total population included 3,953,761 slaves")
* The original report:
Census of Population and Housing; 1860 Census. US Census Bureau.
* Population and industry were mostly in the North.
(b) United Kingdom
Julie Jeffries, The UK Population: Past, Present and Future; Focus on people and migration. 2005
Derived from Figures 1.1 to 1.4 (inclusive): adding the population sizes in 1861 of England (almost 20million), Wales (1.3m), Scotalnd (3.05m) and Ireland (Nothern Ireland (~1.5m) and Republic of Ireland (4.4m); subtotal ~5.9m), the total population of UK was 30,2m.
(a) List of regions by past GDP (PPP)
(year 1870: UK 100,180; US 98,374; Japan 25,393, China 189,740)
(b) List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita
(year 1870: UK 3,190; US 2,445; Japan 737; China 530)
(3) UK might be a sea (super)power but Canada (at the time belonging to UK) would be vulnerable to land attacks from US.
(a) Canada
(map titled "July 1, 1867 Dominion of Canada formed" showed that year, Dominion of Canada was made up of Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic four provinces)
(b) Vancouver
(The City of Vancouver was incorporated on April 6, 1886, the same year that the first transcontinental train arrived. CPR president William Van Horne arrived in Port Moody to establish the CPR terminus recommended by Henry John Cambie, and gave the city its name in honour of George Vancouver)
(i) CPR: Canadian Pacific Railway
(ii) George Vancouver (1757-1798) "was an English officer of the British Royal Navy, best known for his 1791-95 expedition, which explored and charted North America's northwestern Pacific Coast regions, including the coasts of contemporary Alaska, British Columbia, Washington and Oregon." Wikipedia
【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: Michael Burlingame, When Cotton Wasn't King; As America plunged into civil war, North and South both expected Britain's favor. Wall Street Journal, June 25, 2011
: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303657404576359324045731088.html
: (another review of the same book)
: (以下引言省略...)