马克•马戴尔, 记者来鸿:美国准备打网络战. BBC Chinese, July 8, 2011.
Note: That is Mark Mardell. But I fail to find the presumptive English original.
(1) 美控华裔经理非法出口核电站用油漆. BBC Chinese, July 8, 2011.
(a) "PPG Industries was founded in 1883 when Capt. John B. Ford and John Pitcairn started the first commercially successful plate glass factory in the United States at Creighton, Pa. Known as the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., the enterprise focused on innovation and quality * * * [In 1900] PPG started building its coatings business by acquiring an interest in Wisconsin-based Patton Paint Co.
Facts About PPG, undated.
Presently its headquarters are in Pittsburgh, PA.
(b) 杰什马核电站 Chashma II nuclear plant
(c) 王迅 Xun WANG
(d) The report cites and is based on
Douglas Birch, Woman Accused of Shipping Paint to Pakistani Plant. Associated Press, July 8, 2011. While there is no explaining why the paint is important to a nuclear plant, the AP report states, "While the facility is designed for power production, there is concern that spent fuel from the plant could be reprocessed to produce plutonium and uranium that can be used in nuclear weapons."
(2) Russia Charges Chinese Man With Smuggling Military Equipment. RIA Novosti, July 8, 2011
(a Chinese citizen, whose identity has not been revealed, attempted to smuggle spare parts for Russian MiG-29 and Su-27 fighters last year, a customs' spokesperson said on Friday: six stepping motors, two piston pumps, 54 connectors, an elapsed-time meter and other parts in the trunk of his car)
Note: stepper motor (n): "a motor whose driveshaft rotates in small steps rather than continuously —called also stepping motor"
(3) 台大选前,减少中国高官来访. BBC Chinese, July 8, 2011.
Note: 秦儷舫
(台北市議員; 中國國民黨黨籍)
(4) 联合国安理会投票支持南苏丹. BVOA Chinese, July 8, 2011
(南苏丹已经得到了邻国北苏丹的承认; 但双方尚未解决边界和石油收入问题; 北苏丹军队目前仍在其控制的南科尔多凡州与亲南方势力进行战斗)