Gail Monaghan, Happy as a Clambake; At the beach or in your kitchen, this seafood extravaganza sends summer out with a bang. Wall Street Journal, Sept 3, 2011.
(a) Most New Englanders have not had a clambake, much less observed one.
(b) The how-to. Basically, one digs a pit (does not have to),
lines the pit with big rocks,
lights a fire in the pit to heat the rocks,
removes embers,
places lots of seaweed above rocks (so that food will not be burned),
places lobsters above seaweed, clams above lobsters, corn above clams (or places lobsters, clams and corns, in that order, in a container of sorts), and
covers the food with more seaweed and a tarp (to keep moisture and heat inside).
The point is steam the whole food pile, which is not boiled in water.
(c) The "happy as a clam" is a phrase.
(d) The "spit" in "spit of land"
(noun): "a small point of land especially of sand or gravel running into a body of water"
(e) soft-shell clam
(popularly called "steamers", "softshells", "longnecks"; a species: Mya arenaria)
(i) The Highlands (Pennsylvania)
(The Hunt Breakfast consists of a mock fox hunt equipped with a pack of hounds and approximately 20 local horseback riders who ride through surrounding properties, eventually returning to the mansion to rest and eat breakfast with friends and family)
(ii) Jane Porter Fogleman, The Hunt Breakfast. Feb 13, 2007.
("The Hunt Breakfast originated in the time of William the Conqueror: in England)
(g) luau
(h) For Beaufort Stew, see seafood boil
(section 2 Georgia and South Carolina)