BBC Chinese, Sept 13, 2011.
(a) The report is based on
Malcolm Moore, 'Crazy English' Chinese Celebrity Li Yang Admits to Domestic Violence. Dily Telegraph, Sept 12, 2011
("Mr Li met his wife, a tall brunette from Florida, in June 1999 in the northern city of Jilin and the two married in 2003 in Las Vegas")
(b) I can not fidn the microblog itself. But if you google
新浪微博 看你衣冠楚楚地上电视,这比你把我的脑袋往地板上撞更让我痛苦
(WITHOUT quotation marks), a search result appears:
下载本期电子报 - 中国发展简报
("疯狂英语”李阳被指家暴. 女声第94期 (2011.S.29--9.4)
If your computer does ot support Microsoft Document format, you can select "Quick View" in Google, to view an html file.