(4) Vernon Silver, The Kid, the F-Bomb, and the Skype Code.
http://www.businessweek.com/arti ... o-dot-k-dot-with-it
(a) Excerpt in the window of print: The list of terms used to intercept messages offers a rare glimpse of Chinese surveillance
(b) Quote: "When Internet users in China try to access Skype.com, they are diverted to the TOM-Skype site. While the Chinese version bears the blue Skype logo—and provides services for online phone calls and text chats—it’s a modified version of the program found elsewhere. The surveillance feature in TOM-Skype, which has 96 million users in China, scans messages for specific words and phrases. When the program finds a match, it sends a copy of the offending missive to a TOM-Skype server, along with the account’s username, time and date of transmission, and whether the message was sent or received by the user, Knockel’s research shows. Whether that information is then shared with the Chinese government is unknown." paragraph 7
(c) Note:
(i) summary underneath the title in print: A 27-year-old unlocked a secret wordlist employed to monitor Chinese Skype users
(ii) TOM Online
appears not to have Chinese name.
(iii) In prit but NOT online is a graphic:
"Some of the phrases Skype's Chinese service tracks in messages
B8E9DDCE1FBOE4FF84 <---Encrypted code used by Skype
Human Rights Watch
Western advicacy group critical of China's Tibet policy
Google Flowers
Veiled reference to Google's stand against Chinese censorship
June incident
Reference to June, 1989, Tiananmen Square massacre
成都 春熙路麦当劳门前
McDonald's in front of
Chunxi Road in Chengdu
Location of planned protest in 2011
pro-democracy Jasmine Revolution |