但中国失业人口有2亿. This may be true, for the number has long been suspected/speculated.
However, just like China's voluntary prediction in the middle of March that this month (March) China may have the first single-month trade deficit in six (?) years. people here in Boston just did not believe it, but considered it a ploy to stall US pressure on Renminbi appreciation.
【 在 tideren 的大作中提到: 】
: [<a target=_blank href="http://finance.qq.com/a/20100322/006856.htm">http://finance.qq.com/a/20100322/006856.htm[</a>
: 温家宝谈中美贸易摩擦:将扩大对美国进口
: 2010年03月22日19:12中国日报网我要评论(287) 字号:T|T
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