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Jews in Ancient Kaifeng

发表于 4-5-2010 11:24:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Matthew Fishbane, China’s Ancient Jewish Enclave. New York Times, Apr. 4, 2010.
("China does not recognize Judaism as one of its five approved religions. * * * Jews are not considered one of the country’s 55 minorities. Though foreign Jews are allowed to practice their religion while on Chinese soil, there are currently no officially active synagogues in China.")

(a) Temple of Purity and Truth 清真寺 (built in 1163/南宋孝宗隆兴元年; ruined in mid-19th century)
(b) For "21 Teaching Torah Lane," see

南教经胡同21号 邮编:475000  No.21, Teaching the Torah Lane S

* "徐伯勇告诉记者,教经胡同早年叫'挑筋胡同'。因为按照犹太的风俗,为了纪念在和大力士角斗中扭伤了大腿的祖先,不食用牛羊肉的蹄筋,故此开封民间称之为 '挑筋教',犹太人并不认为这称呼含有贬义,文史中广泛采用。'后来冯玉祥时期,觉得这个名字不雅,就改成了教经胡同。'”

(c) For "mezuza," See mezuzah
(d) For "Sh'ma," see Shema Yisrael
("Shema Yisrael (or Sh'ma Yisroel or just Shema) (Hebrew [for] 'Hear, [O] Israel') are the first two words of a section of the Torah (Hebrew Bible) that is a centerpiece of the morning and evening Jewish prayer services. The first verse encapsulates the monotheistic essence of Judaism: 'Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one,' found in Deuteronomy 6:4")

(e) Sephardi (n; plural: Sephardim; Late Hebrew, from sĕphāradh Spain): "a member of the occidental branch of European Jews settling in Spain and Portugal and later in the Balkans, the Levant, England, the Netherlands, and the Americas; also : one of their descendants — compare ashkenazi"   www.m-w.com
(f) blue-hatted Hui 蓝帽回回
(g) judaica (n plural): "literary or historical materials relating to Jews or Judaism"

(similar to Americana)

(h) stele 碑
(i) Millennium City Park (also known as Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden) 清明上河园
(j) Xu Xin 徐新 (南京大学)
(k) Yiyuanhou Lane 医院后街 (in 开封市禹王台区)


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发表于 4-5-2010 13:59:13 | 只看该作者

Re: Jews in Ancient Kaifeng


【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: Matthew Fishbane, China’s Ancient Jewish Enclave. New York Times, Apr. 4, 2010.
: http://travel.nytimes.com/2010/04/04/travel/04journeys.html?scp=1&sq=kaifeng&st=cse
: ("China does not recognize Judaism as one of its five approved religions. * * * Jews are not considered one of the country’s 55 minorities. Though foreign Jews are allowed to practice their religion while on Chinese soil, there are currently no officially active synagogues in China.")
: Note:
: (a) Temple of Purity and Truth 清真寺 (built in 1163/南宋孝宗隆兴元年; ruined in mid-19th century)
: (b) For "21 Teaching Torah Lane," see
: 南教经胡同21号 邮编:475000  No.21, Teaching the Torah Lane S
: * "徐伯勇告诉记者,教经胡同早年叫'挑筋胡同'。因为按照犹太的风俗,为了纪念在和大力士角斗中扭伤了大腿的祖先,
This refers to Genesis Chapter 32. There Jacob ("the patriarch") wrestled with God, not a mighty man. Afterwards God charged Jacob to change his name to Israel, which literally means "Struggled with God" or "the prince of God".

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 楼主| 发表于 4-5-2010 17:09:43 | 只看该作者

Re: Jews in Ancient Kaifeng


Oh, thanks for a wonderful lesson. I did read bible, and am sure I read this. But I did not take it into heart, and did not connect dots.

【 在 joshua 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: : Matthew Fishbane, China’s Ancient Jewish Enclave. New York Times, Apr. 4, 2010.
: : http://travel.nytimes.com/2010/04/04/travel/04journeys.html?scp=1&sq=kaifeng&st=cse
: : ("China does not recognize Judaism as one of its five approved religions. * * * Jews are not consi
: (以下引言省略...)

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 楼主| 发表于 4-5-2010 17:11:05 | 只看该作者

Re: Jews in Ancient Kaifeng


Chinese "Jews" emigrate to Israel.

(1) History of the Jews in China


"Since their religious practices are functionally extinct, they are not eligible for expedited immigration to Israel under the Law of Return unless they explicitly convert.

"Sara Imas, the Shanghai-born daughter of Shanghai's Jewish Club president, Leiwi Imas, became the first Jewish-Chinese immigrant to Israel after the two countries established formal diplomatic relations in 1992. Leiwi Imas, who had to leave Germany for Poland in 1939, arrived in Shanghai the same year. He spent his final years in Shanghai until 1962, prior to the beginning of the Cultural Revolution. Although Sara Imas's non-Chinese appearance and family background brought her much trouble during the Cultural Revolution when she was accused of being a foreign capitalist and spy, today Sara Imas has returned to Shanghai, working as the Chinese representative of an Israeli diamond company.[25]

My comment:
(a) Reference 25 is:
Wang Shanshan and Li Jian, A Chinese Jew's tale of adversity and triumph. China Daily, July 27, 2005.
(b) Oddly, in China Sara Imas is identified either in Romanization or 萨拉/沙拉·伊玛斯.
最后的上海犹太人家庭过逾越节. 波士顿环球报, Apr. 13, 2006.

But archive of Boston Globe does not have it--or Sara Imas-- in English.
(c) Naturally one cannot rely on a single source. And I found Israel did accept Chinese Jews.

(2) 开封犹太后裔是不是犹太人 河南犹太后裔移民以国. 南方网讯, Aug. 6, 2002.

Quote: "当记者谈到已经有个家庭移民以色列的时候,张兴旺立刻表示'他们和我们是不一样的,我们是爱国的'。他承认是有开封犹太人以非法的途径跑出去的,不过这纯属于个人行为。他表示正是因为这家人姓金,所以这次学习希伯来语就没有邀请金家来。'我们首先承认我们是中国人,但是是有犹太血统的,是有中国特色的犹太人,我们教育孩子也是这么说,我们首先要热爱自己的国家。'

My comment: This report did interview an immigrant family. Follow the heading "首位开封犹太后裔移民以色列记事" about two third down.

(3) Anshel Pfeffer, Taking the Silk Route back home. Haaretz, June 27, 2008.


"The two women [Jin Jin and Nina Wang] belong to one of the smallest Jewish communities in Israel - immigrants from Kaifeng, China - which numbers just 10 souls.

"Jin, 22, and Wang, 21, arrived in Israel at the beginning of 2006, together with two other friends from Kaifeng on tourist visas. They received temporary resident status after they begun conversion studies and received citizenship after undergoing a conversion ceremony in a rabbinical court.

(a) Haaretz
(Hebrew for "the Land;" founded in 1919; Israel's oldest daily newspaper; Circulation:        72,000)
(b) A single photograph of these four immigrants appears in

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: Matthew Fishbane, China’s Ancient Jewish Enclave. New York Times, Apr. 4, 2010.
: http://travel.nytimes.com/2010/04/04/travel/04journeys.html?scp=1&sq=kaifeng&st=cse
: ("China does not recognize Judaism as one of its five approved religions. * * * Jews are not considered one of the country’s 55 minorities. Though fo
: (以下引言省略...)

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 楼主| 发表于 4-5-2010 11:24:33 | 只看该作者

Jews in Ancient Kaifeng


Matthew Fishbane, China’s Ancient Jewish Enclave. New York Times, Apr. 4, 2010.
("China does not recognize Judaism as one of its five approved religions. * * * Jews are not considered one of the country’s 55 minorities. Though foreign Jews are allowed to practice their religion while on Chinese soil, there are currently no officially active synagogues in China.")

(a) Temple of Purity and Truth 清真寺 (built in 1163/南宋孝宗隆兴元年; ruined in mid-19th century)
(b) For "21 Teaching Torah Lane," see

南教经胡同21号 邮编:475000  No.21, Teaching the Torah Lane S

* "徐伯勇告诉记者,教经胡同早年叫'挑筋胡同'。因为按照犹太的风俗,为了纪念在和大力士角斗中扭伤了大腿的祖先,不食用牛羊肉的蹄筋,故此开封民间称之为 '挑筋教',犹太人并不认为这称呼含有贬义,文史中广泛采用。'后来冯玉祥时期,觉得这个名字不雅,就改成了教经胡同。'”

(c) For "mezuza," See mezuzah
(d) For "Sh'ma," see Shema Yisrael
("Shema Yisrael (or Sh'ma Yisroel or just Shema) (Hebrew [for] 'Hear, [O] Israel') are the first two words of a section of the Torah (Hebrew Bible) that is a centerpiece of the morning and evening Jewish prayer services. The first verse encapsulates the monotheistic essence of Judaism: 'Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one,' found in Deuteronomy 6:4")

(e) Sephardi (n; plural: Sephardim; Late Hebrew, from sĕphāradh Spain): "a member of the occidental branch of European Jews settling in Spain and Portugal and later in the Balkans, the Levant, England, the Netherlands, and the Americas; also : one of their descendants — compare ashkenazi"   www.m-w.com
(f) blue-hatted Hui 蓝帽回回
(g) judaica (n plural): "literary or historical materials relating to Jews or Judaism"

(similar to Americana)

(h) stele 碑
(i) Millennium City Park (also known as Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden) 清明上河园
(j) Xu Xin 徐新 (南京大学)
(k) Yiyuanhou Lane 医院后街 (in 开封市禹王台区)

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发表于 4-5-2010 13:59:13 | 只看该作者

Re: Jews in Ancient Kaifeng


【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: Matthew Fishbane, China’s Ancient Jewish Enclave. New York Times, Apr. 4, 2010.
: http://travel.nytimes.com/2010/04/04/travel/04journeys.html?scp=1&sq=kaifeng&st=cse
: ("China does not recognize Judaism as one of its five approved religions. * * * Jews are not considered one of the country’s 55 minorities. Though foreign Jews are allowed to practice their religion while on Chinese soil, there are currently no officially active synagogues in China.")
: Note:
: (a) Temple of Purity and Truth 清真寺 (built in 1163/南宋孝宗隆兴元年; ruined in mid-19th century)
: (b) For "21 Teaching Torah Lane," see
: 南教经胡同21号 邮编:475000  No.21, Teaching the Torah Lane S
: * "徐伯勇告诉记者,教经胡同早年叫'挑筋胡同'。因为按照犹太的风俗,为了纪念在和大力士角斗中扭伤了大腿的祖先,
This refers to Genesis Chapter 32. There Jacob ("the patriarch") wrestled with God, not a mighty man. Afterwards God charged Jacob to change his name to Israel, which literally means "Struggled with God" or "the prince of God".

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 楼主| 发表于 4-5-2010 17:09:43 | 只看该作者

Re: Jews in Ancient Kaifeng


Oh, thanks for a wonderful lesson. I did read bible, and am sure I read this. But I did not take it into heart, and did not connect dots.

【 在 joshua 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: : Matthew Fishbane, China’s Ancient Jewish Enclave. New York Times, Apr. 4, 2010.
: : http://travel.nytimes.com/2010/04/04/travel/04journeys.html?scp=1&sq=kaifeng&st=cse
: : ("China does not recognize Judaism as one of its five approved religions. * * * Jews are not consi
: (以下引言省略...)

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 楼主| 发表于 4-5-2010 17:11:05 | 只看该作者

Re: Jews in Ancient Kaifeng


Chinese "Jews" emigrate to Israel.

(1) History of the Jews in China


"Since their religious practices are functionally extinct, they are not eligible for expedited immigration to Israel under the Law of Return unless they explicitly convert.

"Sara Imas, the Shanghai-born daughter of Shanghai's Jewish Club president, Leiwi Imas, became the first Jewish-Chinese immigrant to Israel after the two countries established formal diplomatic relations in 1992. Leiwi Imas, who had to leave Germany for Poland in 1939, arrived in Shanghai the same year. He spent his final years in Shanghai until 1962, prior to the beginning of the Cultural Revolution. Although Sara Imas's non-Chinese appearance and family background brought her much trouble during the Cultural Revolution when she was accused of being a foreign capitalist and spy, today Sara Imas has returned to Shanghai, working as the Chinese representative of an Israeli diamond company.[25]

My comment:
(a) Reference 25 is:
Wang Shanshan and Li Jian, A Chinese Jew's tale of adversity and triumph. China Daily, July 27, 2005.
(b) Oddly, in China Sara Imas is identified either in Romanization or 萨拉/沙拉·伊玛斯.
最后的上海犹太人家庭过逾越节. 波士顿环球报, Apr. 13, 2006.

But archive of Boston Globe does not have it--or Sara Imas-- in English.
(c) Naturally one cannot rely on a single source. And I found Israel did accept Chinese Jews.

(2) 开封犹太后裔是不是犹太人 河南犹太后裔移民以国. 南方网讯, Aug. 6, 2002.

Quote: "当记者谈到已经有个家庭移民以色列的时候,张兴旺立刻表示'他们和我们是不一样的,我们是爱国的'。他承认是有开封犹太人以非法的途径跑出去的,不过这纯属于个人行为。他表示正是因为这家人姓金,所以这次学习希伯来语就没有邀请金家来。'我们首先承认我们是中国人,但是是有犹太血统的,是有中国特色的犹太人,我们教育孩子也是这么说,我们首先要热爱自己的国家。'

My comment: This report did interview an immigrant family. Follow the heading "首位开封犹太后裔移民以色列记事" about two third down.

(3) Anshel Pfeffer, Taking the Silk Route back home. Haaretz, June 27, 2008.


"The two women [Jin Jin and Nina Wang] belong to one of the smallest Jewish communities in Israel - immigrants from Kaifeng, China - which numbers just 10 souls.

"Jin, 22, and Wang, 21, arrived in Israel at the beginning of 2006, together with two other friends from Kaifeng on tourist visas. They received temporary resident status after they begun conversion studies and received citizenship after undergoing a conversion ceremony in a rabbinical court.

(a) Haaretz
(Hebrew for "the Land;" founded in 1919; Israel's oldest daily newspaper; Circulation:        72,000)
(b) A single photograph of these four immigrants appears in

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: Matthew Fishbane, China’s Ancient Jewish Enclave. New York Times, Apr. 4, 2010.
: http://travel.nytimes.com/2010/04/04/travel/04journeys.html?scp=1&sq=kaifeng&st=cse
: ("China does not recognize Judaism as one of its five approved religions. * * * Jews are not considered one of the country’s 55 minorities. Though fo
: (以下引言省略...)

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