Taiwanese learn to be patient under Generalissimo Chinag Kai-shek.
I am Cantonese and all people in Taiwan surrounding me knew that. But they trusted me, so they often (but not always speak their mind--but not too much). They said time was on their side, for the generalissimo and his clique would die in no time. They had no weapons, so if they rose up, they would be the one who got killed. So they were all waiting. (Some of them also said they would kill all mainlanders upon gaining power. I was not considered one, however. Anyway, it was not carried out.)
【 在 okay 的大作中提到: 】
: 总有一天要干掉解放军几支部队,为死难学生报仇
: 【 在 Yaoming (打不死的小强) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 戒严部队军人凶狠杀人原因
: : ----《1989天安门事件二十周年祭》系列之十
: : 吴仁华
: : 关于解放军戒严部队军人在六四血腥镇压事件中凶狠杀人的原因,当年在北京的学生和市民中流传着两种主要说
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