CJ Chivers, 叙利亚反对派的暴行给西方出难题. 纽约时报中文网, Sept 5, 2013
, which is translated from
CJ Chivers, Rebel Brutality in Syria Posing Dilemma in West; Extremists play role; Video shows Assad foes executing 7 soldiers after capture. New York Times, Sept 5, 2013 (front page).
My comment:
(a) The Irish/English surname Chivers ("ch" as in "cheat"): " (of Norman origin): derivative of Anglo-Norman French chivere, chevre ‘goat.'"
(b) Just read the first five paragraphs.
(c) In the English version: "The prisoners, seven in all, were captured Syrian soldiers. Five were trussed, their backs marked with red welts."
truss (vt): "to secure tightly : BIND"
(d) The English-language print has a box:
"A video showing a Syrian rebel commander reciting a revolutionary verse, before the sound is heard of soldiers being shot dead at close range:
* The video, at the beginning, states it was "obtained by New York Times," thus not available at YouTube.com. |